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Test your catalogue configuration before switching ...
Test your catalogue configuration before switching from your catalogue to Oasis' catalogue
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Video Transcription
This video tutorial only applies to the clients who are not using OASIS Catalog. In this case, let's first establish what does it mean when you're not using OASIS Catalog. So I'm going to grab a client. So this is the client. Notice I'm going to go to ncdacademy.acc.org on a brand new browser. When I hit enter, notice that the user gets redirected to another page. And this page is a dedicated specialized catalog that is controlled by this particular client. And we refer to it as overriding where OASIS Catalog would have been. So instead of OASIS sending your learner to a catalog that is managed in OASIS, we are overriding that by sending the user to another page. In this particular example, I'm sending the user to this URL. Now, this is great if you have a very particular way of organizing your catalog and you don't want to use OASIS Catalog. But sometimes you might want to transition to OASIS Catalog or you might have a mobile app and you want the catalog to show up in the mobile app, but not for the website. So when that is the case, it creates a little bit of a problem because when you set up the catalog, there's no way for you to review the catalog as a learner because the catalog is being constantly sent over to this different page. So to overcome that problem, what we can do is this. There is a secret page. So let's just go to NCD Academy. And this time I just go through a special login. So what we can do now is there is a special page that is – and we're going to include this in the tutorial, but it's going to be – oh, sorry. It's going to be the URL of your learning management system, followed by public catalog set catalog redirection session.aspx? Overrule catalog page, overwrite URL. I know that's a mouthful and we'll include it in the tutorial, but the idea is when you copy this and then you paste it in your URL after you log in as administrator, this browser's session will forever be set to use OASIS Catalog until it is closed. So, for example, if I just go to the learner site and I click on Catalog, notice that I can see the catalog now without being forwarded to the override. And over here on this browser, even when I'm not logged in, notice I can also see the catalog without being redirected here. So this hidden URL is a way for you to see what the catalog would look like if the catalog has not been overwritten to send the user somewhere else, so that you can set up your catalog, filters, feature courses, you know, course, any catalog feature we have, you can set it up. And then once you're ready, you can know that the mobile app, you will follow the setting. And if you're ready to transition from your external catalog to our catalog, let us know. There's a backend setting for us to turn it on, and then you will be able to use OASIS Catalog. Thank you.
Video Summary
This tutorial explains how to access the OASIS Catalog for clients not using it by default. Instead of using the OASIS Catalog, these clients are redirected to a specialized catalog page they control. If a client wants to view and set up the OASIS Catalog without redirection, they can access a secret URL. By using this URL, administrators can see the OASIS Catalog without being redirected, allowing them to organize and manage it. Once setup is complete, they can enable the OASIS Catalog for mobile apps or transition to it fully by contacting support.
Asset Subtitle
The secret URL is https://your.website.com/Public/Catalog/SetCatalogRedirectSession.aspx?OverruleCatalogPageOverrideURL=True
OASIS Catalog
specialized catalog
secret URL
mobile apps
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