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What happened to learners that have started the co ...
What happened to learners that have started the course before admin made changes?
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Video Transcription
I actually look at the change log here and I actually search publish and I see that this course was published twice and I actually right away I already know that this might be an issue. So when I read the logs, it looks like on April 22nd, Catherine published this course without pre- and post-exam. So Catherine published this course without pre- and post-exam and on June 4th, you publish it again but you added pre- and post-exam. Between April and June, people already started the course. They already purchased it. So one of them is Anne-Marie. Okay so Anne-Marie, if you see in Anne-Marie and May 10th, Anne-Marie already started and purchased this webinar. So that's why when I impersonated Anne-Marie, Anne-Marie actually cannot see the pre- and post-exam but Anne-Marie can start the evaluation. But in order to claim the credit, Anne-Marie has to finish the post-exam and evaluation. So then quickly I searched if anyone of ADA admin has the same issue. It just happened that you were in the progress. So I took a look at your account and you actually started on June 14th. June 14th, that is after you added the pre- and post-exam. June 14th, 10 days after. So when I impersonated you and go to the course, you can go and do your post-exam and evaluation but Anne-Marie cannot because Anne-Marie started on May before this course had pre- and post-exam. So right now what you want to do, you want to do probably you want to reset the user progress. But I have to see how many people. Wait. I am going to download this detail progress. So just wait. I am going to see and I am going to search for the user that started in between Catherine published it and you published it. Let me see. Is there a date? This is eligibility not started. Hold on. I found it. So this is row I. I am going to do starting date. So you just have to filter it. I am going to filter. So I want to see any user. So the May one will be affected. So May is affected and you make changes on the fourth. So this one won't be affected. This should be okay. Yep, yep. So I want to see how many people. It's between April 4, 22 until June 4. Let me show you. How many people? It's actually 35 people got affected. So what you want to do is you have to reset the all this user progress by going to the progress, find the user. For example, this is Anne-Marie and then open a new tab and you want to reset the course. After you reset the course, you go back to the webinar and you want to go to the session and you have to manually register those 35 students after you reset the progress. And once the user actually go in, the user can see the post exam because they will start right now. July, right after you publish the course with pre and post exam and they can do the post exam and then evaluation, claim the credit, even though they missed the session. I hope that helps.
Video Summary
The issue involves a course published twice: first by Catherine on April 22nd without pre- and post-exams, then by another person on June 4th with added pre- and post-exams. Users who purchased and began the course between these dates, including Anne-Marie, can't see the pre- and post-exams but need them to claim credit. To fix this, reset the progress for these 35 affected users, register them manually, and ensure they complete the post-exam and evaluation to claim credit.
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Creation Year
Make changes post published
course duplication
user progress reset
credit claim
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