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What happens when you change the credit offered by ...
What happens when you change the credit offered by a course, after it is launched?
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Video Transcription
Hello, in this video tutorial, we will explain how Oasis handled the case where the credit amount that a course offers changes after a learner has started the course. So on the left-hand side is admin screen, on the right-hand side is a user screen, a learner screen. And in this particular case, I would like to bring your attention to understanding Alzheimer and dementia, which this user has started but have not finished, and it offers 2 CME and 2 COP. And I also want to bring your attention to early onset Alzheimer disease, which offers 1 CME and a 1.5 COP, which the user have finished. So this has a little check marks, this one has little dot, dot, dot, okay. So keep in mind, these are the 2 courses I want to highlight. Suppose that this user, Jim Miller, has already finished early onsite Alzheimer disease. And then you realize, oh no, it's not supposed to offer 1 CME and a 1.5, it's supposed to offer 1 CME and a 1 COP. Suppose this 1.5 was a typo. So you're going to come over here, as administrator, you're going to say, hey, I'm sorry, I made a mistake. It should be 1 instead of 1.5, and you click on update. Before I refresh the screen here, if you think about it, just because you made a change here should not affect the user who has already crossed the finish line and claimed the credit. Because this credit amount is already on their transcript, has already been pushed to various other sources. So if I refresh, you will see that this one still says 1.5 claimed, even though, as administrator, you have changed back to 1. This is what we mean when we say a credit change is not retroactive, as in, you cannot go back in time and change the credit amount and then pretend that you didn't make the change and expect that everybody who has already claimed the credit is retroactively getting updated. As a matter of fact, we get this kind of question all the time. We always just go to the change log, and in the change log, it's actually going to say that I changed the credit amount from 1.5 to 1. So if you do submit a ticket on why the credit doesn't match, the first thing support team will do is check the log to see if someone on your team have actually changed the credit amount after the person has already claimed the credit. So that's one use case where the user has already finished claiming the credit. The next use case will be someone who started when there are two credit, but let me search for this course, understanding. So this is the course that used to offer that, sorry, understanding Alzheimer's dementia. There we go. And this one offers two, and this person has not finished. So if let's say, oh, no, I actually made a mistake, it actually is 2.5 instead of two. I purposely revise the credit up to highlight that when you talk about credit change, it's a change regardless of revision up or revision down. So now if I refresh the screen here, if you think about it, your guess will be it will change, but actually it doesn't change. The reason is that when we say credit change, a credit amount change offered by a course is not retroactive. It's not retroactive for people who have finished claiming the credit or learners who started the course but have not finished. Reason actually is fairly straightforward. The user might not have paid for the course if the course, say, offers less credit than what it was initially advertised. So if you change the credit amount, you're technically changing what the product is, and that is not, I would say, a fair practice. If let's say you advertise a product to offer 100 credit, and then after someone pays you $100 for it, you change it back to one, the user will be complaining. So in this case, the user who have started the course under that configuration will be grandfathered in. Now how do you fix it? What you can do is you can say, hey, you know what? I have to fix this. You can find the user's record. As administrator, you can click on it to change the amount. As administrator, you have full access to everything. Or you can reset. When you reset the course, it's as if the user have never started the course. Then if the user kick off the course again, the user will receive the new amount of credit. So let's try to see that. Okay? So I'm just going to search for understanding. This is the one. So notice now it says 2.5 instead of 2, and now if the user actually start the course, the user will actually receive the revised amount of credit instead of the previous two. So hopefully this video highlights exactly how OASIS mechanics works. When you change the credit amount, how do we handle the user who started the course before you revise the credit amount? And the answer is we don't retroactively change the credit amount. The users will be considered grandfathered in. And if you don't like that behavior, you have to manually revise record by record. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video tutorial explains how Oasis manages changes in course credit amounts. When a course's credit offering is adjusted, the change is not retroactive, meaning it doesn't affect users who have already started or completed the course. Completed courses retain their originally claimed credits even after updates. For courses in progress, users are "grandfathered" under the old credit amount, preserving the advertised value at the start. Admins can manually adjust individual records if needed. This ensures fairness, preventing disruptions in what users believe they are receiving versus what is initially advertised.
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course credit
retroactive changes
admin adjustments
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