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Where can the learner see Custom Completion Messag ...
Where can the learner see Custom Completion Message?
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Video Transcription
Hello, so right now I'm going to show you custom completion message. So you will see this custom completion message when the learner or you have completed the course. So here I just put and I highlighted yellow, right? So right now I have two custom pending completion message, which this is the course and I haven't completed the course. So I will see custom pending completion message and then I have I just click the two courses that are required. And looks like the custom pending completion message is gone because I have completed the course. So right now if I actually go out and go back in, let me see. I claim the credit because the course have a credit, for example, here. Since I have claimed the credit, I will see custom completion message saying, congratulations, you have completed this course. I hope this helps, thank you. And you can also customize by user group. So if you can search user group in the Oasis University, I believe we have a tutorial about user group. So it's basically, where is it? You group the user and then only certain group of user can see this custom completion message. I think it's mostly for credit purposes. For example, some doctor will get MOC and non-doctor will get participation credit or so on. I hope this helps, thank you.
Video Summary
The video demonstrates how to set up a custom completion message for learners completing a course. Viewers see a custom pending completion message until they finish the course. Upon completion and claiming any associated credit, a congratulatory message appears. The completion messages can also be customized by user groups, such as doctors receiving MOC credit and non-doctors getting participation credit. The tutorial references Oasis University for further instructions on configuring user groups.
Custom Message
Custom Completion Message
course completion
user groups
Oasis University
MOC credit
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