Quick overview of live stream capability
How to set up a live stream with pre-recorded cont ...
How to set up a live stream with pre-recorded content
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Video Transcription
Hello. In this video tutorial, we'll show one example of how to do a live stream in a live course. As administrator, I'm just going to add a new course by course type and select live course. And I'm going to call this live stream by with prerecorded content. All right. So this is the one example. And then we're going to go through a few more examples. So I'm just going to call it prerecorded. All right. All right. So I'm just going to step through the wizard. And. Because it's a live course, I'm going to select the session and add a session. And for this purpose, because it is right now, it's about two thirty. December 10th. And because it's a live course and I want to be able to test it, I'm going to make it at two thirty. Is when this course is going to stream. So I say it's going to go from two thirty to three thirty. All right. And I'm going to central time. Online meeting. And I'm going to select prerecorded. So notice that I'm not selecting any of the integration features. I'm just going to select prerecorded content. All right. And I'm just going to click on save. When you have a prerecorded content, you need to obviously upload the prerecorded content, which is what I'm going to do. So I'm just going to I actually have already uploaded to Dropbox. So I'm just going to post it here and I'm actually. Yeah, this is good. I'm going to click on save. So keep in mind, this video has been recorded before the live stream is going to kick off. And what we're doing is we're basically saying, hey, I'm going to have this movie made before the premiere, so to speak. OK. Now I'm going to do is I'm just going to publish. All right. So now that this is published, what I'm going to do is I'm going to come over here in a different browser where I logged in as Jennifer. Oh, hello. Sorry on the catalog. This is the one I'm going to click on is free, so I click into it. I'm going to click on register. So it's going to tell me, hey, this is going to start in four minutes. So it hasn't started yet. Right. And what I can also do is I can say, well, it's kind of boring to display this information. What I'm going to do is when the user is waiting, I would like to upload something so that the user can watch while they wait. You can upload a video or you can upload an image so that they can watch. So I'm just going to upload an image and I don't know how many good images I have. So I'm just going to upload a picture of myself. OK. All right. So upload my picture of myself. So now if I refresh the screen, you can see that you just you obviously can put any image you want. You can put up, you know, visit our sponsors or don't forget to fill out the evaluation. Right. So whatever you want to say to the user, if you want to do as an image, upload the image. Sometimes you can have a nice graphics of, you know, images of people at the conference. You can upload a video. So whatever the user should be seeing while they're waiting for the live stream to start is going to be uploaded as a screen content. Right. So now I'm just going to come over here. Looks like I upload a fairly large video and it's going to take a little bit to process. So I'm just going to pause the video until you finish. OK. So I have resumed the recording right before the session is about to start. As you can see, we are starting to count down so that the live streams are about to start. Keep in mind, the video technically was recorded a long time ago. We just basically stream it for everybody on the website at the exact same time. So as you can see, as soon as the time hits to 30, the video start recording. Keep in mind that when you first start, it's by the way, that is me when I was much, much younger. The video is played with mute turned on, as in it's muted. The reason is that now you can see that you can turn it on and off. The reason that the video is played muted by default is Chrome does not allow you to play video with volume enabled. Just because it's otherwise, you know, a website would just scare people when you land on the website. There's a lot of noise. Right. So and because it's a live stream, notice that you're basically watching the stream. OK, you're watching the stream, but this stream essentially is. Give me one second. This stream is recorded a while ago, but it is live stream to everybody at the same time. You cannot fast forward. Right. You cannot fast forward. And if you want, you can enable chat. I'm going to sorry, I'm going to go to session and I'm just going to click on it. So I'm going to enable live chat and the way enable live chat. There's going to be live chat on the right hand side. This tutorial trying to cover the simplest use case for live streaming. So I'm just going to highlight how the live chat works. We can also integrate with the other chat platform. We can also have a live Q&A. But with that said, hopefully this give everybody an idea of what a pre-recorded video can be used for live stream purpose. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this tutorial, the process of setting up a live stream in a course is demonstrated using pre-recorded content. After creating a course, the tutorial walks through adding a session, scheduling it, and uploading content from Dropbox. Participants can register and view information while waiting for the session to start. Options for displaying images or videos during this wait time are discussed. Once live, the pre-recorded video streams to all viewers simultaneously and starts muted to comply with browser policies. The tutorial concludes with enabling live chat for interaction and highlights using pre-recorded videos for effective live streaming.
live streaming
pre-recorded content
session scheduling
live chat interaction
Dropbox upload
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