Quick overview of live stream capability
Live stream with Stream Feed
Live stream with Stream Feed
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Video Transcription
Suppose your live stream vendor does not have the streaming URL or a URL that can be embedded. Instead, they give you a URL that ends with this format, M3U8, or something similar. You might want to just get a live feed that actually works, but we'll go through how to use what's referred to as a stream feed. Not a URL, but a feed. So I'm just going to click on Add, click on Live Course. I'm going to say live stream with a stream feed. Not a URL, but a stream feed. So there's an industry standard format for what a feed looks like. And what we're going to do is I'm just going to come over here. Once again, I'm just going to use my picture. Okay, there we go. And I'm just going to set it up so that it will start at 3.10 p.m. So that's a feed that starts at 3.10. And it doesn't matter when it ends. It's not in person, it's live. This time, I'm going to stream streaming because keep in mind, you only want to select streaming if the stream is a true stream. If it's a URL, do not use the stream option because you won't stream correctly. And now we need to come up with a URL. So I happen to have a URL that Apple gives to everybody. So it's just their example to say, hey, if you want to test Apple Player with a streaming feed, use this. And that's what we're going to use. All right, so I'm just going to quickly publish this. All right, so now I'm going to jump back to same user, Jennifer, and this is a live stream with stream feed. Remember, we did a stream URL, an embedded stream URL. Now we're doing something with a feed. So I'm just going to click on free, register. So once again, this is counting down to 35, almost 30 seconds before the feed kicks in. Keep in mind, I am using an Apple feed, so I have no idea what is behind this feed. Hopefully, it is something that's obvious that it is a live feed, but it's just what Apple give out to other developers in case we want to test anything with a live feed. It is using the industry standard feed format. So let's see what happens in 3, 2, 1, go. All right, so, okay, looks like this is what Apple provide to everybody as a way to say, hey, if you see this, your video player is working correctly to deliver a feed that is using the industry standard format, M3U8. Now, I strongly recommend that if you're going to use a stream feed in Oasis, please reach out to support when you have a live feed so we can test. Nothing is worse than thinking that it will work without testing and then finding out that the feed from your streaming vendor is not a real feed and won't play in Oasis because this has to be tested before we go live. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video explains how to set up a live stream using a stream feed, focusing on the M3U8 format. It emphasizes the distinction between using a streaming URL and a stream feed, advising that true streaming feeds should be selected for accurate functionality. The speaker uses an Apple-provided test URL to demonstrate the process, illustrating setup steps and highlighting the need for testing with actual streaming content to ensure proper operation within the Oasis platform. Testing in advance with actual content is crucial to identify any potential issues before going live.
live stream setup
M3U8 format
streaming URL
Oasis platform
test streaming content
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