Quick overview of live stream capability
Live stream with a streaming URL
Live stream with a streaming URL
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Video Transcription
event is actually being live streamed somewhere, I just want people to be able to watch it when they're not at the location where the event happens. Oasis also supports live stream options, and I'm going to go through a few options. So in order to show how to stream a true live feed instead of pre-recorded content, we had to create a test feed for my recording purpose. You probably have a vendor that's going to create the feed for you, but for me to do a tutorial on using a feed, a live stream feed, I need to create a live feed. And I'm just going to use YouTube because YouTube is free, everybody knows YouTube. So what I'm going to do is I'm just going to click on create right here, I'm just going to click on go live. Now you do need to have a YouTube account and so on and so forth, but I'm just going to use YouTube to go live. So here we go, I'm just going to say live stream from Tom Wong's desk. And description is we will use this live stream to showcase how to embed live stream in a live course on Oasis LMS. You can check a few settings, I'm just going to do a thumbnail, I'm going to put my pictures on there again, and let's just say that it's made for kids. Next I'm just going to keep everything by default, I'm going to click on next, I'll make it public, it's available by 2.40, that's fine. So YouTube is doing its magic and I'm going to click on go live. So as of right now, oh, that's me. So as of right now I am live and there's a feed that I can send the user to. So I'm going to click on share, copy this, oh sorry, share, copy this, okay. And this is technically the feed where people can watch me streaming from my desk, right, but it can be from your stage, it can be from a church, it can be from a soccer stadium, right. But this URL represents the feed that is from YouTube under my account using my webcam right now as we speak. The whole reason it is here is I'm not saying that we only support YouTube feed, I'm just using this as an example of a feed so that we can show how to use it in Oasis. Alright, so what we're going to do is now I'm going to go back and I'm going to add a new course. So this time it's a live course, I'm going to call it live stream with, say, a stream URL, okay. I'm going to say stream URL, okay. I'm just going to step through this, okay. Alright so for the session it's December 10th at 2.41 so I'm going to December 10th at 2.41, let's just say 2.45 so that we can get the experience of people waiting, okay. Let's say 2.45 to 2.30, that's good enough. It is central, it's going to be online, and this time because it's a URL I actually had to select other, alright, and I'm going to paste this URL from YouTube, alright, and I'm going to click on save, alright. So I'm going to click on publish. Alrighty, fantastic. So now that this has been set up I just want to double check, okay. So now what I'm going to do is I am going to open another browser, I'm going to pause really quick. Okay, I just resumed recording under the same account that was recording my demo earlier called Jennifer, and this time I'm going to do the live stream with a stream URL. So I'm going to click on it, click on register, and then I can essentially click on join meeting and notice, click on join meeting, and notice that I'm waving my hand now and then there's going to be a lag of, hold on, notice, there we go. So there we go. You can see that the video has a small lag, but the idea is it is definitely streaming from my feed on YouTube over here. The only thing is the user is accessing it by click on join meeting. So it's essentially what you're doing is using Oasis as a jump off point to go to another URL. So if that URL happened to be YouTube, great. If that URL happens to be Vimeo, great. But the idea is you're using Oasis to sort of create a landing spot where the user can then go to where they're supposed to go. Now if you want to keep the user in Oasis, please watch the next recording. Thank you.
Video Summary
The transcript describes a tutorial on live streaming using YouTube and embedding it within an Oasis Learning Management System (LMS). The speaker demonstrates setting up a YouTube live stream, creating a test feed, and using it as a stream URL for a live course on Oasis. They explain choosing YouTube for its accessibility and illustrate how to integrate the live stream into Oasis by directing users to join meetings via URL links. Although the example given uses YouTube, the method applies to other platforms like Vimeo, allowing Oasis to serve as a portal to external streaming content.
YouTube live streaming
Oasis LMS integration
stream URL setup
live course embedding
external streaming platforms
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