Quick overview of live stream capability
Live stream with embedded streaming URL
Live stream with embedded streaming URL
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So let's say you say, hey, I want to keep the user in Oasis when they do the live stream. I don't want to bounce them to a stream URL. Then what you need to do is you set up the same live course. So I'm just going to say live stream with, I'm going to say embedded stream URL. So the most important part is the embedded part. I'm going to call it embedded URL, right? So now what we're going to do is we're going to keep the user on the Oasis while streaming from somewhere else, okay? So once again, I am going to, so this time I'm going to make it 2.50 p.m. So December 2.50. Okay? And I'm going to say 3 o'clock. It doesn't matter when it ends. And I'm going to say it is, so this time I'm going to use iframe, okay? And I need to put in the embedded link for the iframe. So keep in mind, this is a URL from YouTube, but I need the embedded version of this link. And if I go to the YouTube channel, this is me, there is no clear way for me to say what is the embedded version of this URL. Fortunately, we have this thing called chat GPT. So I can say, hey, I have a live stream YouTube link called at, this is link. What is the embedded version of this URL? All right? So there we go. It's going to tell me, and I'm just going to copy this part right here. All right? So then what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to my setup. I'm going to copy here. So remember, this iframe, because iframe is basically what tells Oasis to do the embed code. And then we're going to embed this one in here, all right? So I'm going to click on save, and I'm going to publish this course. All righty. So now what happens is I am going to come over here. Once again, I'm still logged in as Jennifer. And this, remember earlier we did the live stream with stream URL. Now we do live stream with embedded stream URL. And I'm going to click on free, get registered. And it's going to start in two minutes. So now what I can do is let's see if I have the same feature to, hold on. I think if I upload a picture here, give me one second. So I just put my pictures once again as a cover image. And if I come over here, you can see that the way screen now is just my cover image. And it's starting to count down already. So I'm recording this using Loom. You can definitely fast forward a little bit if you don't want to wait with me while the session is counting down. But the idea is the user experience is going to be that the live stream feed will get displayed to the user when the live stream is supposed to start. Now, keep in mind that your video right now, you should already have the video going to the live feed, this one right here. Because if it's not there, when the video starts, people is going to see empty. So it's very critical that when this hits zero seconds, there's some feed behind it. Okay. And keep in mind, while I'm recording this, the feed I'm actually recording. There we go. I'm going to click on play. Here we go. I'm going to click on play. So you can see, this is me streaming from my desk and then streaming to another browser. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to show everyone the lag. I'm going to raise my hand on three. Okay. One, two, three. Raise my hand. I raised my hand, but notice the hand was raised in the stream a few seconds later. Keep in mind, there is a lag. I'm showing you the lag. I'm going to lower my hand on three. One, two, three. I lowered my hand already. Notice the hand get lowered. So keep in mind, there is a lag in the feed, but that's just the nature of the feed. When you watch a football game, there's also a lag. With that said, this is how the feed works. But keep in mind, because this is a YouTube feed, everything about the YouTube that's problematic will come in, right? So when the feed ends, they might give you ads. Not ads, but the next video, which might be things that you don't want the user to go to. So, you know, YouTube is free to use, but your user have to pay YouTube with their eyeballs. So hopefully, you can decide whether you want to use YouTube as a platform to stream, or you can use a paid version of a streaming platform. But hopefully, this recording will show you how you can set up the stream by using the embedded version using iFrame. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video explains how to embed a live stream within the Oasis platform using an iFrame, rather than redirecting users to an external URL. The process involves obtaining YouTube's embedded URL, aided by ChatGPT for conversion, and setting it up in the streaming course on Oasis. The tutorial highlights setting a specific time for the stream, ensuring a video feed is ready before the countdown ends to prevent an empty display. While the embedded YouTube stream is cost-effective, it includes unavoidable ads or suggestions post-stream, unlike premium, no-ad alternative platforms.
Oasis platform
live stream embedding
iFrame integration
YouTube embedded URL
streaming course setup
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