Quick overview of live stream capability
Second example of Embedded Streaming URL (Vimeo)
Second example of Embedded Streaming URL (Vimeo)
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Video Transcription
so now I'm just going to do another embedded streaming URL but this time I'm going to do example where it will be using not a YouTube but a Vimeo example so I'm just gonna set it up I'm just gonna say live stream with embedded streaming URL I'm gonna say Vimeo all right so I'm just gonna say embedded to all right so here we go I'm just going to quickly step through it just like a previous demo that actually this is the I'm recording this demo one day after I recorded other tutorials so it's technically the 11th I'm gonna make it 11 10 all right I'm gonna say 12 and central this time I'm going to remember I'm using iframe to indicate that it is embedded stream and I'm gonna use a Vimeo feed so Vimeo is actually pretty popular even companies as big as Freeman uses Vimeo as a way to stream their feed right so I'm gonna click on save and I'm just gonna click on publish and there we go and then what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna make this course a part of my virtual conference setup so give me one second all righty now what I'm gonna do is I'm just log in as my learner account in another browser all right so I'm gonna pause the video all right so I logged in as Jennifer which is the account I was using yesterday when I was recording these tutorials so I'm gonna step into it so notice that yesterday was December 10th today is the December 11th so that because I set up this bundle as a virtual conference configuration it's automatically smart enough to put things in different buckets so here you can see that if I click on it you will you will say it will try to detect to tell me when to start okay so while we wait I realized I don't have a cover image so I'm just gonna put a cover image here just because I want to make it look a little bit nicer so I'm just going to I'm just going to use my own mock shot because that seems to have worked out pretty well so all right so I put my own pictures here and now I'm gonna do is I'm just going to refresh the screen so there you go that's my own picture and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna pause the video and I'm going to resume the video when it is when the feed is about to start all right so I have resumed the recording and I will let's just see what happens in five four three two one here we go so there we go this is the feed and it happens to be a feed from Freeman and but notice even this Freeman feed we actually pasted a Vimeo embedded link so hopefully this makes sense and as a matter of fact I think this Freeman feed is not a live feed it's a there we go if you play it it's a recording it's just an example of a live feed so hopefully this makes sense and this is actually quite common a live feed URL will become an on-demand version of that feed shortly after the live event happened that's a common practice that a lot of people do thank you
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the speaker demonstrates embedding a Vimeo stream into a virtual conference setup. They set up a live stream using a Vimeo URL and explain the configuration process. After saving and publishing the stream, they log in with a learner account to show how the virtual conference organizes content by date. During the setup, the speaker adds a cover image for a better visual presentation. Once the feed starts, it's revealed as a recorded example from Freeman rather than a live stream. The speaker highlights the common practice of transitioning live streams into on-demand content.
Vimeo stream
virtual conference
live stream setup
on-demand content
video tutorial
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