Quick overview of live stream capability
Stacking all the live sessions together as a Virtu ...
Stacking all the live sessions together as a Virtual Conference
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Video Transcription
So suppose you say well I have a multiple live stream sessions for a virtual conference. So all these live streams with feeds are great and all but I need to wrap them into one product. So that's what we're gonna do. So I'm just going to create a bundle. I'm going to call this a virtual conference. Virtual. Okay. All right and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna put all those courses in this bundle. Okay. All right and then what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go to settings. I'm just gonna say use a virtual conference setup. Let's say concurrent setup. List full I think. We do have a more detailed tutorial on how to set up virtual conference. So this is really just to do a quick and dirty to show you what's possible so that you can decide whether virtual setting up a virtual conference in Oasis is what you want to do. Okay. So with that said what I'm gonna do is I am going to just play with the dates a little bit so that they will land up a little bit more nicely. Okay. So give me give me one second. So I'm just gonna pretend that this session is actually from three to four. Okay. This is also from three to four. I'm doing this just so that it feels like a real conference instead of the one that I'm doing. So let's say the next one is three four to five. All right. Four to five. There we go. So basically I'm gonna have essentially two time slots three to four and four to five and in each time slot I have two sessions and that's really what we're doing. Yeah. Okay. Now I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come over here as Jennifer. I'm just gonna click on the virtual conference. So notice now they are sort of organized correctly. I mean I did not upload any images but you can obviously upload some images to make it look nice. But you can see that it is using our virtual conference layout so that it feels like a virtual conference and that you can click on it too. So let's say I want to click on this. This one was done with a pre-recorded content. So if I click on it it's not going to start and for another 45 minutes. If I come over here this is the one with a feed. So this is the one from Apple. If I click on join you will see that this is the Apple feed. So as you can see you can have multiple live sessions with different type of feeds or they are all same type of feeds but different URLs because you might have your streaming vendor that's gonna give you potentially two or three different feeds for each hour because they have two or three video operators so that you basically have one feed for session one in block one, session one in block two, and session one in block three. You have another URL for session two in each block, another URL for session three in each block. So that's pretty typical but the idea is you know you can set this up. I want to stress this entire video tutorial is it's just a quick dirty highlight of what is possible with streaming options and stack them together as virtual conference. There is a lot more intricacy involved in setting up a virtual conference. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video provides a quick overview of setting up a virtual conference using a bundle approach. The process involves organizing multiple live stream sessions into one cohesive product. The speaker demonstrates adjusting schedules for realistic time slots and organizing sessions accordingly, emphasizing the capability to manage different stream feeds or URLs for various sessions. The tutorial serves as a basic guide to highlight potential setups for virtual conferences, giving viewers a feel of its possibilities within a platform like Oasis. A more detailed tutorial is recommended for those interested in a comprehensive setup.
virtual conference
bundle approach
live stream sessions
Oasis platform
conference setup
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