Recommendation (By Area of Interests)
1 - Enabling Recommendation by Area of Interest
1 - Enabling Recommendation by Area of Interest
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Video Transcription
In this video tutorial, we will go over how to set up recommendations based on the user's interest area. To enable recommendation, you go to Course Layout and then you click on Recommended Courses. There are two ways currently to set up recommendations, and they are not mutually exclusive. So you can set up recommendations based on related products, and you can set up recommendations based on interest area. So let's just do interest area for this tutorial. Now that I have enabled it, I'm just going to go back to the dashboard. Under Tools, List, I should see Area of Interest. So here is where I'm going to create a few topics where the user could express their interest in. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm just going to do the first one. Let's pretend that it's something about, say, shoulder. You can have a little bit description of what sort of content is provided under the topic of shoulder. So I would just say, some description of what shoulder topic is about. So you can put some description there. And I'm just going to add a few more. So head, let's say head is another body part. And I'm just going to skip the description. And let's say head, shoulder, let's go knee and toe. OK, so let's say we just have four topics. And then what we want to do is by default is not enabled so that the user don't get prompted for interest area until you enable it. And let's say we're going to enable it. And then once we enable it, you can decide whether you only want to enable it for administrator or all the users. The idea is you might want to only make this available for administrator so that you get a chance to test the user experience before you make it available to all learners. So let's just select that. Keep in mind that by default, Oasis will manually prompt these. You can turn it to no. That means Oasis will do an integration with your other systems, such as your CRM or AMS, so that the user's interest area is actually pulled during the single sign on process instead of Oasis manually prompt them. So let's say we are going to manually prompt them and that you can put in some prompt instructions. So you can say, hello, please select which topic topics you are interested in. OK, so if you don't put anything here, Oasis will use our default language. So now, as you can see, I have enabled the feature for area of interest. In the next set of tutorial, we'll talk about how the map courses to area of interest and what the user experience will look like. Thank you.
Video Summary
This tutorial explains setting up course recommendations based on user interests. Navigate to Course Layout and select Recommended Courses. Recommendations can be configured by related products or interest areas, which are not exclusive to each other. The tutorial focuses on interest areas, showing how to create topics, like shoulder, head, knee, and toe. By default, this feature is disabled, but once enabled, it can be tested by administrators before wider release to users. Users can be manually prompted or integrated via CRM/AMS. Instructions for topic selection can be customized. Future tutorials will cover mapping courses to interest areas.
course recommendations
user interests
interest areas
CRM integration
topic customization
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