Recommendation (By Area of Interests)
2 - User Selecting Area of Interests
2 - User Selecting Area of Interests
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Video Transcription
Now that we have created four areas of interest, let's log in as a user. I'm going to create a brand new user, and then let's call this person Head Specialist, just because we want to say that this person is going to be interested in a head area. So that's what we're going to do. So Head Specialist, okay, so just give me one second. So this public is enabled for all users, so what we're going to do is we're just going to log in as this account that we just created. Okay, so here we go. So now you'll see the four area of interest is displayed to the user for selection. If you put some description, the description is displayed like this. If you don't, there is no description. So since we created this user called Head Specialist, I'm just going to check this box. And just for grant, I'm also going to check the box for me. So even though I'm a Head Specialist, I'm going to say that I'm interested in the head topic and need topic. Now that I have clicked on Save, I will go to the recommended area. You will see that nothing is recommended. And that is simply because as administrator, you only set up the area of interest for selection. We actually have never mapped what course should go under which area of interest. In the next tutorial, we'll show how you can set up that relationship and how that affect the user's recommendation page. Thank you.
Video Summary
In the video, a new user named "Head Specialist" is created within a system featuring four areas of interest. After logging in as this user, the process of selecting areas of interest is demonstrated, but no course recommendations appear because courses haven't been linked to these interests. The tutorial promises to show, in a following segment, how to establish connections between courses and interest areas to impact user recommendations.
Head Specialist
areas of interest
course recommendations
system tutorial
user recommendations
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