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Recommended method for adding video to front matte ...
Recommended method for adding video to front matter
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Video Transcription
Suppose you also want to add a video to your front matter, there's a couple ways you can do it. The recommended way is simply select video and then let's say this is a course preview, for example. And then you can actually just upload a video as a part of the front matter. This will be the easiest way to do it. And I'm just going to show what that looks like. OK, so I'm just going to select. There we go. OK, and I'm just going to add. So this will be by far the easiest way to do it. So you just simply upload a video and I'm just going to come over here. I'm just going to refresh so you can see that this one and this is the video. So suppose you say, well, I don't like how this video is displayed here because I don't have a lot of control over it. Then you can get a little bit fancy, which is what I'm going to show in the next video on how you can upload to your front matter a video recording. And you don't want to use our built in front matter type called video. You can there's a few other things you can do similar to what we have done by leveraging the CMS feature of the video. And I will show you how to do that in the next video. Thank you.
Video Summary
To add a video to your front matter, the recommended method is to upload it directly, particularly for course previews. This is the simplest approach, allowing you to quickly display videos. If you prefer more control over the video's display, you can use more advanced techniques, which will be covered in a subsequent video. These methods involve using CMS features and offer alternatives to the built-in video front matter type.
video upload
front matter
course previews
CMS features
video display
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