Running Email Campaigns
4. Designing the Email for the Drip
4. Designing the Email for the Drip
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But now we're going to set up the extra email that goes out. So pretend that this is the email that you want to go out. We can definitely start from scratch to create an email based on what you want it to look like. But the easiest way is probably just going to use an existing template that look as closely to this as possible and then just revise the template so that it will look like what you want to send, just so that it's always easier to create an email based off something already exist. So this is the early bird special. So I'm going to click on email set up. So here you can see that there is a bunch of template that is already available in the system. And you sort of just have to look for one that will best look the way that you want it. So let's just pick this one, because this one has a little bit of a logo at the top with some text in the middle and then a button, so it's called Superstar. So I'm just going to select this one. I'm going to click on start designing. So now what you're telling the system is just create an email that's going to be used. The main thing is this email needs to start off using a template that's already come with a system called the Superstar. So that's what you're telling the system. OK, so now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to get rid of the top row because I don't need it. So. Get rid of that row and let's see what it looks like. So it looks like I don't need this either. So I'm going to delete that. The first thing is going to be an image and I'm going to upload the image. The image actually I have already downloaded on my computer. So I'm just going to upload that. Wait for it to spin. There we go. That is the image that goes across the top. We're almost there. So the background needs to be blue. You see that the background needs to be blue. So let's see what we can do here. So right now you actually have a background that is sort of have a color to it. And this require a little bit of detective work to find out how to change the color. So I'm going to pause the video and figure out where to go. There we go. So if you click the outer shell of this panel and so that we start over. Right. So if you click on this part, you scroll down. There is actually a background image and that's what it says here. So if I just delete it, you see it's gone. Right. So now you just have the regular color and I can apply whatever color I want. So let me just come here. Let me see if I can apply some color. Let's just apply some sort of a blue. There we go. That looks nice. A little bit darker. Let me see if I can make a little bit darker. Here, that's good enough. All right. So then I will say, OK, that's the logo is good enough. I'm going to get rid of this part and. So now that's good enough, I just going to put some messaging here. OK, so I'm not going to bore everyone. Watch me type this out. So I'm going to pause the video. All right. So I just copy things over here. So let's just make it a little bit bigger. So 20 font, 20 sounds good. Right. So let's delete this panel just so that we just have one space to work with. So over here, I'm going to make it left aligned. Right. And here I want to put the user's name. So I'm going to use a merge to say I'm going to put recipient's name. Notice that the client is actually referring to you as if you are, let's say, you know, Mayo Clinic that will say Mayo Clinic. Right. So and then happy holidays. I probably want to just make this the same color as that color just so that it matches the theme and shoot looks like I don't want to do that. Undo is your friend. I'm going to highlight that and then change the color. OK, so it looks like I cannot change all the colors. I cannot change just this one rose color. So it looks like I have to. Oh, actually, I can do this. I can. There we go. That's what I had to do. Oh, that's a. It's not what I want to do. Undo. Undo again. There you go. What I want to do is this. There we go. So now that's bolted and I'm going to make it bolt. All right. So next part is just a little bit description and and also that's the link, so I'm going to copy the link. Right. So and I'm probably going to make this font size just a little bit smaller. There and I also make this a little bit smaller. There we go, and then. Try our play, this one is going to be hyperlink, I'm going to highlight it and I'm going to make this a hyperlink. Go to here, click on safe and then this is the big button that we're going to put in the middle. And then I'm going to put up a bit of a greeting towards the end. So sounds good. So I'm going to move this. Can I move it? Let me see. So I want to delete this one right here. And I want to create. I want to basically move this up because that's going to be my button. All right. So and then I want to create another panel below it. So I think what I can do is I'm going to copy it. OK, and I'm going to move this, move it. I'll drag it. There we go. There we go. All right. Then I can delete. Everything here. Right, I can delete this one and then that part is what is going to end up on the left, justify it. OK. Voila. We're pretty close. We're pretty close. So and I'm going to make this font 16 just so it matches those fonts and I can delete these. OK, I want to probably put a few line breaks there just so that it's easier. There we go. All right, so I will save it and I just want to preview it just to make sure that the things are looking, looking almost decent, right, and then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to make this same color as the blue. There we go. That's good enough. And I'm going to make this just a little bit smaller because I feel like it's screaming a little bit too loud. So here we go. And I can also make sure that the top is not too tall. The bottom is not too tall either. So that that's what the button is going to look like. There we go. Ten is good enough. That's good. And I might want to make the button just a little bit wider. Oh, and this is register. There you go. That's the text I want to say. So I'm going to copy it. I'm going to paste it. Right. Oh, make it bigger. Let's make it 18. OK, and let's make it a little bit longer. So 100. This one is 100. So that's a padding on the left and right. OK, so that looks good. I'm just going to look at that. So that that's pretty good. I'm ready to send this. So this basically you probably spend more time setting up the actual email. But as far as that demonstration goes, this is good enough.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker demonstrates how to set up an email using an existing template. The email being created is for an early bird special. The speaker selects a template called Superstar, removes unnecessary elements, adds an image, changes the background color to blue, adds text and a hyperlink, adjusts font sizes and alignments, previews the email, and makes final adjustments. The speaker notes that more time would typically be spent on setting up the actual email, but the demonstration shown is good enough. No credits were mentioned in the video.
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email setup
existing template
early bird special
template customization
email design
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