Running Email Campaigns
6. Enable tracking for URL clicks
6. Enable tracking for URL clicks
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Video Transcription
So now that you have enabled email open, you also notice that there are two links in this email that's important. The first one is this link right here. If I click on it, you will see that it takes the user to this particular URL. And the second one is this button. When a user clicks on it, it will take the user to this URL. But if you just leave it the way it is, it will work, but you have no idea if the user has clicked on it or not. To track URL clicks, what you have to do is you go to email, campaign, and the campaign URLs. And then here you will see that I have already a few things set up, but you can create a new URL. You have to sort of register the URL so the system can help you manage. So you can say this one, let's say register, and then link, let's say is, you know, I'm just going to pretend that's the link, right? You register it. When you click on save, this is sort of the key so you can remember which one it is. This is the URL, but this is the token that's going to be used. This is very, very important, right? Because this is actually what you use in the system. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to delete this one. I'm going to say, okay, I want to learn and play URL is this. I'm going to copy it, and I'm going to paste it here. So this is learn and play. And for the homepage, which is where the main call to action is going to be three. All right, so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to my URL, I'll go back to my campaign. I will go to the third drip, which is what we have been working on. And for this play and learn, instead of sending directly to this URL, which I'm not going to be able to track, I'm going to copy and paste this. I'm going to copy it and paste, okay? And then for this one, instead of that URL, I'm going to copy this one in here. Okay. Now this is the one part that's most important is that when you do make change like this, you have to have to test it. So I'm just going to do a test mass email to make sure this makes sense. So I'm going to type in my own email address, and it will validate to make sure that it is good. And I'm just going to test this out. So happy holidays. That's the campaign, this is the third trip. And notice that this URL and this URL is all sort of a token. And then I'm going to send, okay? When I send this, what you should do is you go to report, activity report, and email notification. You want to see this is email that was just sent out. You want to make sure that this email, when you mouse over, I'll actually do this to show you. You actually sense that something look like this, okay? And the way you mouse over this one, see, so it's enough information on this link. So when user click on it, Oasis will be able to track where it's supposed to go. But you notice it doesn't have the token email link. It actually automatically expands to the right format. And also there's the invisible character here that you don't really see. So looking at this, I think we're good to go.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains how to track URL clicks in an email campaign. They demonstrate how to register URLs and generate tokens for tracking. They also guide the viewer on how to modify the URLs in their campaign to include the tracking tokens. The importance of testing the changes is emphasized, and the process of checking the email activity report for successful tracking is explained. The speaker concludes that the necessary steps have been taken to ensure successful tracking of URL clicks in the email campaign. No credits were granted in the transcript.
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Meta Tag
Creation Year
URL clicks
email campaign
register URLs
generate tokens
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