Running Email Campaigns
8. Measuring Drip Effectiveness
8. Measuring Drip Effectiveness
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Video Transcription
So, suppose you have sent out your mass email. After a few days, you probably want to know how well that email campaign has been going. So, go to Tools, Email Campaign, and Campaigns, and let's just take a look at the one that we scheduled. Note that this recording happened quite a few days after the initial set of videos. So I can say, hey, let me take a look at the Thanksgiving email campaign. So, as I can click on here, you can see that I see how many emails were sent out, and the Happy Thanksgiving email was sent out in three different ways, or one per day. You can see how many emails are opened and how many links are clicked. So clearly, this indicates something that you probably instinctively already know, which is far more people will open the email in their Gmail or Outlook, but very few people actually click on it. As a matter of fact, you can see only 50% of people open the email, but only about 10% of people who open the email actually click on the email. This statistics is calculated once per day, so if you want to look at absolutely the latest data for a particular day, so let's say you're looking at this report on November 24th, you can click on this to just generate the data one more time, but you probably don't need to do it because typically you're looking at data from a few days ago, which has already been calculated. You only click on this if you want the absolutely latest data for the day that you're looking at. So suppose you can track the number of users that open your email and click on the link, but that doesn't actually translate into any measurement on whether it's bringing in the revenue or whatever success criteria you have. So to do that, you just click on trip effectiveness. So I'm not going to go through all the drop downs, but one success criteria could be the total purchase, and then you can say of all the courses that is a live course, because this particular campaign asks people to register for live course, and then you just click on generate effectiveness. This will give you basically a total purchase, and as you can see, your average purchase is hovering around between $2,500 to $5,000. Is that purchase amount? Yeah, purchase amount, right? But then there is a huge spike right around the email campaign, and then things just fell off. That probably match exactly what you're thinking, because you have the amount of traffic that get generated spiking the traffic just because people got an email about it. So you can start playing around with the type of offers you have and with the type of messaging you have and see just the difference in spike with different trips within the campaign. So this is how you can go about judging how well your campaign is, each trip is performing.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker discusses how to track the success of an email campaign. They explain how to access campaign data, including the number of emails sent, emails opened, and links clicked. It is noted that while a high percentage of people open the email, only a small percentage actually click on it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of tracking conversions and revenue generated from the campaign. They demonstrate how to determine the effectiveness of the campaign in terms of total purchases and average purchase amounts. The video concludes by suggesting testing different offers and messaging to gauge the impact on campaign performance. No credits are mentioned in the transcript.
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