Self-Reporting in OasisLMS
Use Case - Simplest Self Report Process
Use Case - Simplest Self Report Process
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Video Transcription
In this video walkthrough, we will go over the simplest use case of a self-reported activity. So the use case here is, you allow user to claim credit for activities that performed external to the learning management system. And we're going to assume that this will be done using an honor system. We will continue to modify the course so that the course will allow more and more complexity. But in the first iteration, the course will simply allow user to claim credit that they have done external to the system. So when you add a course, scroll down to self-reported. And if the screen in the video tutorial is slightly different from your configuration, it's strictly just because the demo system we have here used slightly different setup. So here we can say, externally, let's call it self-reported, credit earned externally. There we go. We can probably come up with a better name than this, but that's just what we're going to use. So then we're going to say self-reported, and we're just going to take the default setting. So the next step is describing to the system the parameters where the user can claim credit. So let's say that the user, every time user submits this, we allow them to submit one, minimum one, up to five, with an increment of 0.25. And in this particular system, it has CEU turned on as a credit type, so that's what's going to be available in your system, it might be slightly different. And for the first example, we're just going to assume that they can only use it to claim it once. So that's where the once comes in, and then we're going to click on next. In the next screen, there's a few options, and then we're going to keep revisiting this example by making the workflow more and more complicated. But in the very beginning, we'll just keep the workflow simple and have submit. Now we're going to click on detail, and then we have officially set up something that the user can use. So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to set up the submission form. I'm going to say that when you are claiming this credit that you have earned externally, we want you to say, you know, please provide the organization that gave you the credit. So the field name is just a unique identifier for reporting purposes. So we can just say organization name, and here we can say that we'll let the user type in a short text. And this is required, and it's a user field instead of office only. And suppose we're going to have another one, let's call it a date field, say, you know, when did you earn this credit? Date claimed. And in addition, we can add some validation. We can say this date has to be today in the past. It doesn't make sense to claim a credit that has not happened yet. And then we're going to click on required field, and also make it a user field. And suppose we are going to make this simple, just have one last thing, which says please attach a copy of the certificate earned, and then let's say call it attachment, and we'll make this a file upload, and this is also required. So this is a very simple course in the sense that the user will go to it, and they will be able to claim credit for something they did externally, but they can only do it once. So I'm just going to publish it, and it will show what the user sees. So we're going to publish the course. So we're going to publish it as a real publish instead of a beta publish. Now I'm going to open up a different browser that's logged in as, I'm going to log in as a learner, and I'm going to go to the learner side. So this is the course we just created. As you can see, it's a self-report, and the user can claim from 1 to 5 CEU. So we're going to click into it, it's free, so we can get started right away. So here, you can see this is the form that has been, we have been set up, the user had to fill out. So let's say the organization, let's say it's Red Cross America, and I earned it. Let's say we have validation built in, so if I put in a date that is future, and let's say we attach some sort of a PDF, when I try to submit it, it's going to check to say that the date validation has not been met. So we had to put a date in the past, just because that is how we set up the form, and then we're going to pick just a random PDF that happened to be on my computer. And notice that the user can pick credit from 1 all the way to 5. So for this, let's just pick 4. Click on submit, then the user is officially done. Now, if you want to give, so this will show up on the user's transcript. As a matter of fact, if I go to the admin site, and I turn on transcript, now that I turn on transcript, I go to learner side, I just refresh the screen, you'll see the transcript will show up, and it lists the 4 credits that I claimed externally. So this is the simplest way of setting up a self-report, where the user claimed credit that was earned externally to OASIS LMS.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the presenter explains how to set up a self-reported activity in a learning management system. The user is allowed to claim credit for activities performed outside of the system using an honor system. The presenter demonstrates the process of adding a self-reported activity and configuring the parameters for credit submission. They also show how to set up a submission form with fields for organization name, date claimed, and an attachment. After the setup is complete, the user can access the course and fill out the submission form to claim credits. The credits claimed will appear on the user's transcript.
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video tutorial
self-reported activity
learning management system
credit submission
submission form
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