Setting up Badging in OasisLMS
5 - Import users into an empty badge
5 - Import users into an empty badge
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So, occasionally, you might want to set up a badge where the badge itself actually is earned outside of the learning management system. So the idea is you just want OASIS to issue the badge, but the badge is actually earned through some other ways, and instead of creating a fake course in OASIS, what you can do is you can just set up an empty requirement. So, for example, I can say this one is going to be Certified Microsoft, let's say, Instructor. So I'm going to pretend that the user has to teach a class to receive their certificate, and the teaching the class happens outside, right? So what you can do is just click on Save. Notice I'm not adding any courses, and then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to publish it, right? Oh, I probably want to set it up, so give me one second. I'm just going to add a badge. So here we go. I'm just going to add a badge that happened to be on my computer. So here we go. There we go. And I want to put some text here just as a placeholder so that it looks somewhat serious. And for the tag, I'm just going to say skill is teaching. And apologies, this is team submitting their request for team lunch, so sorry about that. Skill, let's say personal interaction. I'm just making the skills up at this point, right? So all right. And obviously, I'm not going to add any criteria, okay? So now what I'm going to do is I'm actually just going to publish it. So the system allows you to publish, but the thing is you haven't really added any course to it. So over here, as a learner, when they go to badge, they don't see it. The reason they don't see it is because there is no courses that they can do to earn the badge. So the way that you can put the user in the badge is you can click on the import badge feature, and then you can download the template that we have. What I'm going to do is I'm not going to download it. I'm just going to show what the file looks like. So you can see here, I just have a bunch of Disney characters, and then I can say here's a list of their achieved date. Let's pretend I'm just going to put some date in here, March. Let's say this is 11th, and let's say this one is. I'm just randomly making updates at this point, right? Okay. And then you can have expiration date if you want, but you don't have to. So the idea is you need to give user or tell the system the user's name, email address, and when they achieved. Expiration date is optional. If the system does not find the user, system will create a placeholder account for this user. If it does, you will assign the badge to the user. Okay. So that's what we're going to do. So you can definitely fill out the spreadsheet as you please. So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to select that Excel file. Okay. I'm going to validate it. Looks like, oh, there we go. So you cannot have expiration date that is after the achieved date. That makes sense because you cannot expire something before it's even earned. So let me just remove this expiration date. So there is some sort of a common sense validation that the wizard, the import wizard will apply when you import your Excel file. I'm just going to click on upload. So there we go. So now at this point, if I go to the badges, you will see that under this instructor, I have this five person. And if I impersonate as Donald Duck, if I go to badges, you will see that he has earned this badge and he will be able to do whatever is necessary. All right. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker introduces a way to set up a badge in OASIS, a learning management system, where the badge itself is earned outside of the system. Instead of creating a fake course, the speaker suggests setting up an empty requirement for the badge. The speaker demonstrates how to add a badge, choose an image, add some placeholder text, and specify skills associated with the badge. They then explain how to import a spreadsheet with user information, such as names, email addresses, and achievement dates, to assign the badge to users. The speaker concludes by showing the badge earned by a user named Donald Duck. No credits were mentioned in the video.
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badge setup
learning management system
importing user information
badge assignment
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