Setup and Configuration (Chef Layout)
1 - Overview of Chef Layout
1 - Overview of Chef Layout
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Video Transcription
This tutorial is a continuation of how to set up your Oasis LMS catalog. After you set up the catalog, this is the example of where you have a left-hand side that has a tagging, you have some feature courses, and you have other catalog items. So this is what we refer to as a vanilla or explorer layout. Suppose you want to change the way that the catalog looks. I'm going to open a new tab, you can go to catalog setting, and then you can select the chef layout, which is the new layout we introduced. So let's just turn it on, and then I'm going to put this one on this side to show you the difference. Okay, so this is the old layout on the left-hand side, this is the new layout. So there's a few things that got moved around. The first is that, so I'm actually going to open this up a little more. So what used to be on the left-hand side, now is at the top. So I'm going to switch back to the other browser to see, it used to be on the left-hand side that does not require a mouseover that is vertical. Now it is across the top, horizontal. Obviously, right away you can see that you might run into a problem because a horizontal layout for your tagging would potentially decrease the amount of length of the wording you can have. So that's one thing to keep in mind, you might want to shorten it so that it fits all in one line. The second thing is, before, I want to switch over, the user does not have to do anything to see everything under the topic. Now, with this new layout, they have to mouse over. So that's one thing that is debatable, whether it is good or bad, but at least you can see that the menu is at the top. In addition, what used to be featured, I'm going to switch back, what used to be featured right here, under the feature tab, now, and they use a long rectangle, become a much fatter rectangle right here. So you can see these are all the featured. As a matter of fact, I'm going to just refresh the screen so that you can see the first featured courses is a 2020 science full program, which is the first one on the list. So it's a rotation instead of a list. And then every other course is going to be listed right below it so that the user, essentially, I just want to draw this out, if I have to make an equivalent, I want to stress the search bar moved here in this new layout. The tagging on the left-hand side moved over here. I'm just going to draw the box. The feature section with all the feature content is moved over here in a rotating banner and everything else in the catalog moved below. So that is the layout for a new catalog called the Chef. In the next few video tutorial, we'll talk about how to customize this new particular layout.
Video Summary
This tutorial is a continuation of setting up an Oasis LMS catalog. The video demonstrates the example of a vanilla or explorer layout and how to change it. By selecting the chef layout in the catalog settings, the user can switch to a new layout where the menu is displayed horizontally at the top instead of vertically on the left-hand side. The tagging on the left side is moved to the right, while the featured content is displayed in a rotating banner. The search bar is also relocated. The video teases upcoming tutorials on customizing this new layout. No credits were mentioned.
Asset Caption
What is the main difference between Chef layout, and the default (Explorer) layout
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Oasis LMS catalog
vanilla layout
chef layout
horizontal menu
customizing layout
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