Setup and Configuration (Chef Layout)
3 - Features vs Layout
3 - Features vs Layout
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So the last thing I want to mention is the template only controls the layout of all the elements you want. It does not change or eliminate behaviors just because you pick a different template. For example, right here I don't have a rotating banner at the top, right? So let's say I want to add a rotating banner. So I'm going to go to here, banner section, I'm going to add a new banner. So let's say it's a banner that takes users to another site. I have a banner here, I'm going to make it here, and then I'm going to say that when the user clicks on it, I will take the user to a particular URL, like this, okay? I'm going to click on save. So now I added a rotating banner, I can come over here, I'm just going to click on the catalog again, just wait for the catalog to reload. You will see that the banner at the top is showing up, and then this banner is showing up here, right? So obviously, we probably want to change this so that it fits in one line, so the search bar is not so fat. But you can see that the rotating banner that I omitted earlier, if I turn it on, it's going to show up here. Now if I say, oh no, actually I changed my mind about the catalog, I want to go back to explore view, all you're doing is changing the layout of all your requirements. So the rotating banner is still at the top. You don't lose that just because you changed the template. Everything that you set is available across all the template, it's just a matter of where the template will be displayed, where that feature will be displayed in the template. I hope that makes sense.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains that a website template only controls the layout of elements and does not change their behaviors. They demonstrate adding a rotating banner to the website, which takes users to another site when clicked. The speaker mentions that the rotating banner and other set features will remain even if the template is changed. The speaker also notes that the layout can be adjusted to fit the elements properly. They conclude by stating that the features set in the template are available across all templates but may be displayed differently. No credits were provided.
Asset Caption
Selected template only changes where and how the LMS elements are displayed. It does not restrict the LMS elements you have enabled.
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website template
rotating banner
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