Setup and Configuration (Goldilock)
Best practice to preview and/or test the new templ ...
Best practice to preview and/or test the new template
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Obviously, as you are setting up the Goldilocks template, it is entirely reasonable to keep your template as, for example, the Chef layout, and then work on the Goldilocks template when you're ready. So when you are working on your Goldilocks template, I selected the existing Chef template so notice now it's going back to Chef template. When you're working on it, what you want to do is you want to basically click on preview in order to take a look at what your template is looking like without having to make it the publicly available default template, just in case it is still a work in progress. Now imagine you have this set up, but you can't really preview it with someone that's not on your team. What you can also do as a way to test your template is using our personalized catalog feature. What you can do is you can say by default, everyone is using Chef, I'm just going to add a custom routing to say that Jimmy Neutron is going to be using the Goldilocks template. Because we have multiple templates, I'm going to say tutorial. So now the way that it's going to work is when Jimmy Neutron comes to the website, Jimmy Neutron is going to see the tutorial template, everybody else is going to see the Chef template. Over here by default, you will see that they will see the Chef layout, but if I log in as Jimmy Neutron, I will see the Goldilocks template that is not published to everybody, but it's only visible to the person that we give a special custom routing to. So this allows you to basically get feedback from non-administrators about your catalog without opening it up to everybody. Obviously, as a regular administrator, you don't need to do that. All you have to do is click on here and click on preview. Thank you.
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