Setup and Configuration (Goldilock)
End-to-End example of catalogue setup (Long)
End-to-End example of catalogue setup (Long)
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Video Transcription
Now that we have described what is the goal, or what is the exact look and feel, we want to use Goldilocks template, ABI layout to accomplish, we're going to go through the steps of what clicks is necessary to meet that requirement. So as administrator, I can go to dashboard, I go to category settings, I'm going to manage my template, I'm going to click on this little icon to manage. So now, as you can see here, there is one feature banner that I have set up, I simply call it, Visit OASIS University for more tutorials. If you want to set up additional feature banners, you can click on here, you can set up more banners, okay? And the next thing is the feature courses, and in our slide here, you can see that we're not going to do a feature banner, so feature course, I'm just going to disable, right? And then I also have the search bar that's set up, right? You can also configure where your search bar by clicking on the button, this is all the search criteria that you can manage, right? So pretend that I just set up the feature banner and the search bar, I'm not going to do anything else for now, I'm just going to disable all the rows underneath, and then what I will do is I'm just going to come over here, I'll make sure the Goldilocks template is selected, so this one is active. Now, what I'm going to do is I'm just going to, on here, you can see the search banners here, and the search filters, with search box and filters displayed here. So we are almost there, we're slowly building out our catalog, all right? So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to set up, so I've already did the feature banner right here, I've already did the search box and search filters, what I'm going to do next is set up the first row here, which contains some quick links and two tiles, right? So what I'm going to do is I'm going to come back to my editor, I'm going to say, I do want to enable here, I'm going to click on the quick link to set it up, let's pretend I'm going to call it shortcuts, just so that it's a little bit different, and let's say the first one is called the favorites, so I'm going to call it favorites, and the target URL, I've already figured out the target URL is here, I'm just going to copy this part, I'm just going to do tilde and this, you do it this way so that it is, it's what's referred to as a relative URL, it's just easier to move things around, right? And then the next one is my courses, so I'm just going to say my courses, and if you're not sure what the URL is, you can actually click on common links, so my courses is probably the user dashboard, and I'm just going to paste it here, right? And the next one is full catalog, okay, and the URL is going to be here, I'm going to copy here, boom. So you can definitely build this out, you can do up to eight, if you don't want all eight, just make sure you don't check the boxes here, if you want more than eight, sorry, we cannot do more than eight. Now, the next part is, you can decide whether the links is available before they log in or after they log in, so I will say that probably favorite doesn't make sense for people before they log in, because we don't know who they are, I cannot show them the favorite. My courses, I probably want to show it, even though clicking on it would trigger sign in, and the full catalog, I will give them access, so I'm just going to click on save. So now I have set this up, I'm going to come over here, I'm just going to refresh my screen, you will see that the shortcut is set up, before I log in, I don't have a favorite, after I log in, I will have a favorite. Next part, what I'm going to do is I'm going to say, okay, I'm not going to build out the whole list, I'm just going to start doing some of the content. So I'm just going to click on here, and the first one is feature courses. So the feature courses, it's already configured in the system as a course group. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to show everyone that under courses, there's a course group. So I have already created something called the feature courses. So that's what I'm going to use, okay? And as a matter of fact, I just realized there isn't anything added in there, so I'm just going to add a couple courses, just so that it's not empty, great. So the first thing I'm going to do, is I'm going to come over here, it's going to be a course group, and it's going to be feature courses. I'm going to call it featured courses, and I'm just going to upload an image, which is going to be right here. It's called featured courses, there we go. So that'd be the first one. The next one, I'm going to click on it, and next one is going to be question of the week, which is going to be mapped to a search criteria option. So where is that? So as a reminder, under, I think product line, there we go, question of the week. Let's just confirm. Yeah, question of the week. All the courses for question of the week is mapped here. If you go to the administrator, I'm just going to go to the dashboard, category, search criteria, you will see that all the courses for question of the week is listed here. Okay, just one right now. Okay, so what I'm going to show is how to link. This is a search criteria option. Then I'm going to say, okay, it's a product line search criteria and question of the week. Okay, I'm going to call it question of the week. And then I'm going to upload an image. Question. There we go. All right, so now I'm going to do some over here and I'm going to refresh. So you can see that both of these tiles are listed. If I click on here, hold on. Okay, I made a mistake. You can see that when I click on it, it's not working. It's because my featured courses, I forgot to make it linkable. So I make it linkable. I'm going to call this feature courses and I'm going to say searchable as well. There we go. Now I should be able to, there we go. So now that works. So you can see that now we're slowly building it out to what we want it. And we are two tiles down, nine more to go, right? So next one is JAG quizzes. So I'm going to, remember JAG quizzes is configured as a course group in the system. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to come over here. I'm going to activate the next row, okay? And I'm going to say, okay, this one is a course group. It's called JAG quizzes. Oh, sorry. There we go. And I'm going to, actually I misspelled JAG, but it's okay. JAG quizzes. All right, and I'm going to select the image, which is right here. And that you can almost see that it's just matter for a rinse and repeat. I'm just going to click on here. Next one is dialogue in dermatology and dialogue in terminology is a search criteria option. And that search criteria option is, let's say... Oh, there we go. They're under product line. Okay, great. So I'm going to say it is a search criteria option, product line. There we go. And I'm just do this. I'm going to say dialogue. There we go. All right, so one more. Next one is on-demand courses. And the on-demand courses is actually another search criteria option. And this just happens to be right here, on-demand. Okay, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to say that is another search criteria option. It is under format, under on-demand. I'm going to call this, what is it called? On-demand courses. So here we go. Okay. And I'm going to select on-demand courses. All right. So I build out the next row and just get a little bit of satisfaction. I'm just going to refresh this screen. I can see that it is being built out and I can click on it. And it will, let me see. There we go. It's taking the user to the right places. Okay, so it looks like I made the same mistake for JET articles, quizzes. I forgot to make it searchable. So no problem. I'm just going to, as a matter of fact, if I'm going to make the changes, I'm going to fix the typo and then make this linkable. All right. There we go. So now if I refresh, I click on it, it will take them to the right place. Great. So we are two rows down. I have a few more rows to go. Next one is a full catalog. Great. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to activate row six. And I'm going to say, hey, this one is a URL. And that you can actually, whether you open a new tab or not, I'm going to keep in the same one. And the URL itself actually is going to be, I'm come over here. Right here. Common links. I'm just going to copy this because that is where the URL should take the user. I'm just going to say, that's URL. I'm going to call it full catalog. And I'm going to do full catalog. If I see it, they're here. Alrighty. The next one is conference recording. And conference recording is the entire search criteria because I have set it up where the conference recording is a search criteria and there are search criteria options underneath it. All right. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to call this conference recording. I'm going to say that it's a search criteria instead of search criteria option. I'm going to say it is right here. Call it conference recording. And I'm going to find conference recording image. There we go. And then I'm just going to do one more. This is live events. So live events is mapped to another search criteria option. And it is this one right here under format. Okay, no problem. Search criteria option is under format, under live, and I'm going to call it, what is it called? Live events. All right. And I'm going to select the image for live events. There we go. All right. So we're moving along. I'm just going to get a little bit of satisfaction by refreshing my screen to make sure that it is here. I click on it. Wait, hold on. I'm going to click on this one. There we go. That works. This one. That works as well. I said this one. Oh, there we go. This take the user to the full catalog, which happened to be the same thing. So we probably want to take the user to, let's see. Okay, so there's probably, we need to send the user to another page that allows user to search maybe, but taking users to full catalog is this page right here. Right? All right. So let's move on. The next one is basic terminology. So I'm going to say basic terminology and I'm going to activate row seven. I'm going to say this is, oh, by the way, it is a search criteria. Why? Because we have put the entire basic terminology at the search criteria and here's search criteria options. So I'm just going to come over here to say it's a search criteria. Basic terminology. I'm going to call that. I'm going to select the image icon for basic terminology. There we go. All right. We're almost home free. So two more. Next one is residence. So residence actually take the user to a single course. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm just going to say a single course, but this time maybe I just open a new tab so that the user don't leave. So I'm just going to type in something and pretend I'm going to send the user to that course. I'm going to call this resident. Okay. And residence is, there we go. And then last but not least, the last tile is called faculty tools, which also take user to a single course. I will also, once again, make it a new window. I'm just going to say this one, pretend this is the one, the faculty tools. There we go. Save. Alrighty. So I have officially finished building this out. I am going to come over here and I'm going to click on refresh. I'm going to come down here. I'm going to say here, it takes them to the search criteria. I can click on here. It will take them to a single course, a new page. I can also click on this new page as well. So I have officially went through step-by-step how to set up the catalog where highlighting how to take the user to a course, to a course group, to a search criteria, to a search criteria option, or to URL, whether you can do it on the same tab or a new tab. So hopefully this give you an idea how to build out this entire catalog. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video transcript provides a detailed guide for setting up an online course catalog using the Goldilocks template and ABI layout. The objective is to customize dashboards, feature banners, and course groups while enabling search functionalities. The process involves managing template settings, setting up feature banners, configuring search bars, and organizing course content into groups and categories. The user demonstrates how to link various catalog elements like quick links, course groups, and search criteria, ensuring options are available for logged-in users only. The step-by-step tutorial also showcases linking individual courses and setting up search filters effectively. The video concludes by summarizing how to integrate different catalog options, aiming to help users fully construct and customize their course catalog.
online course catalog
Goldilocks template
ABI layout
customize dashboards
search functionalities
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