Setup and Configuration (Goldilock)
Organization of various Goldilock layouts (In Conc ...
Organization of various Goldilock layouts (In Concept)
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Video Transcription
Now that we understand the goal behind Goldilocks template, it is important to understand how various layouts within the Goldilocks templates are organized. On the left-hand side, as you can see, there is a golden colored boxes. In Oasis, we are going to create multiple layouts within Goldilocks. Each layout will have some of the flexibilities, but have a very distinct behavior and look and feel from the next Goldilocks layout. The idea is that one of these layouts should be able to meet what your vision is for your catalog layout. We will name these layouts by a girl's name, starting with Abby, going all the way to Zara. With all the layouts in place, what you will be able to do is you will create different layouts based on a particular layout that we have. For example, you say, hey, I really like the Abby layout. You can create a few ones, experiment with a few, and then you pick one that is considered default. Then the user will get automatically routed to the template you flag as default. The idea here is you can look around at various layouts that's available under the Goldilocks layout, experiment by creating your own layout based on these layout templates, and then you will be able to designate any layout that you have created as a default template, and that they are going to be used for your users. To push this idea even further, we are going to allow you to have one layout that is default, and also allow you to link templates so that when the user log into the website and looking at the catalog, they will see, for example, layout A2 as a format you want them to see. But there might be links and buttons and tiles on the layout A2 that send the user to a different layout based on what the user want. So the idea is you could, if you want, have an overall template for the overall catalog, but then can have a micro catalog, for example, just all the courses that was created for a particular grant, or just the courses fall under, say, a series or a learning path, or maybe a catalog just for all the subscriptions you have. So the idea is you can create as many layouts as you want, designate one layout as a default, then you can start linking, I just call this sort of micro layout, as something that the main layout can link the user to. So hopefully this idea, when you play around with it, you will click and that you will be able to build a lot of very interesting catalogs, both at the overall store level and as a small subset of your courses in a micro catalog. Thank you.
Video Summary
The Goldilocks template allows for the creation of customizable catalog layouts, each with unique features and appearances. Users can choose from various layouts (named alphabetically from Abby to Zara), customize them, and designate a default layout to guide user navigation. This flexibility enables creating both a default catalog and "micro catalogs" for specific needs, such as course series or subscription lists. The goal is to enhance user experience by linking layouts, allowing seamless transitions between different catalog sections, and enabling the creation of diverse and engaging catalog formats.
customizable catalog layouts
user navigation
micro catalogs
enhance user experience
diverse catalog formats
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