Setup and Configuration (Goldilock)
Why another template?
Why another template?
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Before we discuss how to use the new template called Goldilocks template, let's discuss why we need another template. So in Oasis, when the user first comes to the website, if you have enabled the catalog, Oasis will display your product using a specific template of your choosing. So for example, I have come to the website and the user will be able to see every product that's listed, including some featured product, some dropdowns for filters, and a list of all the products that's published. This is what we refer to as a catalog. Now, what you're seeing is called the Chef template. If I come over here as administrator, I go to the catalog setting. I can just say, hey, I want the Explorer layout. So all I had to do is just check one box. What happens is if I just refresh, you will see that the entire catalog has flipped its layout. As a matter of fact, I can also select stack layout, and then as you can see, it will change its layout to stack layout. All the configuration options available for Chef, for stack, and for Explorer layout has been detailed in the tutorial that you should have already seen at this point. Now, if any one of these three templates does not meet your need, you're probably also familiar with our Ocean template. Now, with the Ocean template, which we're going to go here, we have a tutorial on how to set up the Ocean template, but let's just say this is the example. The problem with the Ocean template is it allows too much flexibility so that you literally have to set up every single component within the Ocean template. So it can be a little bit scary to go from the three templates we have that's very easy to use and jump directly to Ocean template where you have control over everything, but then you're a little bit paralyzed by the amount of flexibility that's available to you. So if you want to look at this graphically, you can consider this diagonal where at the lower left corner is stack layout, Explorer layout, and Chef layout, where they're easy to configure, but they're less flexible, as in you can't really change it too much about how the catalog works. And then if you travel up the gray line, you will get to the Ocean template where it is difficult to configure, but it is more flexible. So obviously right now you sort of have to pick your poison between easy or difficult. What we are trying to do is we are adding a new template called Goldilocks where it is a little bit more difficult to configure compared with the green template, but it is much easier to configure compared with the red certificate, which is Ocean. And you do give up a little bit of the flexibility as far as what you can do with the Goldilocks template, but our goal is that the configuration capabilities that we're going to provide within Goldilocks is enough so that even though it's not as flexible as Ocean template, it doesn't hurt your vision when you design how your template is going to behave in OASIS. So this is just conceptually why we are introducing the Goldilocks template is to create a halfway point between flexibility and difficulty in configuration. In the next set of tutorials, we'll show you how to set up the Goldilocks template. Thank you.
Video Summary
The Goldilocks template is being introduced to offer a balanced option between existing templates. Current templates like Chef, Explorer, and Stack are easy to configure but limited in flexibility, while the Ocean template provides extensive customization but can be overwhelming. The Goldilocks template aims to be more flexible than the simpler templates yet easier to set up than Ocean, striking a balance between ease of use and customization. It intends to meet user needs without overwhelming them, forming a middle ground for configuring product displays on the Oasis platform. Future tutorials will cover its setup.
Goldilocks template
balanced option
Oasis platform
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