Setup and Configuration (Ocean Layout)
1 - Concept behind Ocean Layout
1 - Concept behind Ocean Layout
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Video Transcription
In this video tutorial, we'll go over conceptually how does the ocean template work to customize the catalog landing page. On this screen, you will see that on the left is a fictitious blank screen for the catalog landing page where we're using the ocean layout. And on the right hand side is conceptually all the possible component that you can drag and drop onto the catalog page. So in this video, we'll just use a Mickey Mouse example to show conceptually how it works. And then in the following tutorial, we'll actually use the website to go over exactly mechanically how to do what I'm explaining conceptually, but within Oasis. So the component essentially are small widgets that you can drag and drop onto the catalog. So the first step is you probably want to design what the catalog will look like. So, for example, you can say that I would like to have a rotating banner. So I'm just going to drag and drop this over here. And then you can say after the rotating banner, I would like to have maybe a search box. So I will put a search box here. Then you can say under the search box, I might want to have some images. So I'm going to drag and drop this one over here. And each one, I will upload a custom image with a link to certain parts of the website on Oasis or even somewhere else. And then you can also say that I have enough information that I want to have two images here. And then later on, you could say that, you know, I don't want to use the search box here. I'm going to delete it. I'm going to create a link, a list of link to go to different parts of the catalog. So as you can see, you can essentially move things around. You can add a component zero times or infinite number of times. And then you can customize each component that you drag over to do exactly what you want it to do and look exactly how you want it to look. You can set up multiple versions of the catalog page and decide which one you want to use as a default. And then you can have other pages in the pipeline so that you can rotate them when necessary. So conceptually, this is how it works. I do want to stress there are a lot of different component that is available for you to use. And Oasis support is definitely available for you in case you ran into any questions. Thank you.
Video Summary
This video tutorial introduces the concept of using the ocean template to customize the catalog landing page. The left side of the screen shows a blank catalog landing page, while the right side displays various components that can be dragged and dropped onto the page. The video uses a Mickey Mouse example to demonstrate the process conceptually. It mentions that in a subsequent tutorial, the Oasis website will be used to provide a step-by-step guide on how to implement the customization. The components are described as small widgets that can be added, rearranged, and customized to suit the desired layout and functionality. Multiple versions of the catalog page can be set up, and support is available from Oasis if needed. No credits are granted. The summary is 155 words.
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video tutorial
ocean template
customizing catalog landing page
drag and drop components
Mickey Mouse example
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