Setup and Configuration (Ocean Layout)
4 - Setting up 3 Additional Links
4 - Setting up 3 Additional Links
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Video Transcription
Now that I have created the first row, let's focus on the second row, which has three images. So I'm going to click on Edit to start making changes. The first image, I would like to take the user to one particular course. So it's this particular course, so I'm just going to copy its name and I'm going to create a permalink. OK. Then I will paste it here and I will say that the image, I actually have an image. It is right here. OK. And I'm going to say that for the text, I don't want to say anything. I'm actually just going to hide it. Just delete it. Delete the text. OK. And then the next one, this particular image, which is the second image, I would like to take it to another course called Family Comprehensive. This is actually not the course. It's actually a search criteria. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to the catalog setting and I will actually select this one. So then I'm going to come back. I'm going to say when they click in here, I'm going to send the user to the search criteria. OK. And for the image itself, I am going to select this one right here. All right. And last but not least, on the last one, it's going to I'm going to take the and I'm going to delete the text for the second one. And for the third one, I'm going to take user to the calendar. So the calendar on the system, I'm just going to go back to the learner by default. It doesn't have a calendar. You have to enable special calendars. I'm just going to turn on the calendar here. So now you have a calendar. When I click on calendar, it actually doesn't have any webinar scheduled right now. But at least that's a page where the user will be to find out the upcoming events. So I'm going to come over here and copy that link and I will scroll down and I will actually upload an image. So I'm going to upload this image and I'm not going to say any text. And then I think I'm good. So I'm going to click on save and close. So now I have updated the second row. OK. There we go. With additional images, I probably should have spent more time to make this image have similar footer. But you get the point. And I'm going to come over here and I'm going to refresh. And this is what it looks like.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker demonstrates how to create and customize a second row of images. They begin by editing the first image, selecting a specific course to link it to and adding an image for it. The speaker then moves on to the second image and links it to a search criteria for a course called Family Comprehensive. They select an appropriate image for it as well. Finally, the speaker focuses on the third image, which they set to link to the calendar page where upcoming events can be found. They enable the calendar feature and upload an image for it. After saving and closing, the speaker refreshes the page to show the updated second row of images. No credits were mentioned in the video.<br /><br />- Video Title: Customizing Image Links in a Website<br />- Video Creator: Not provided
Meta Tag
Creation Year
create and customize second row of images
edit first image
link image to specific course
link image to search criteria
set image to link to calendar page
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