Setup and Configuration (Ocean Layout)
6 - Editing Cards and Enabling Ocean Template
6 - Editing Cards and Enabling Ocean Template
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Video Transcription
Now that I have finished the first two rows, I'm going to modify the last one So I'm going to click on that it and I actually have already have made the text. I'm going to use Copy and paste it in a notepad. So at the very top I'm going to say advance your specialty. Okay So that's the first line right here and the second line Actually, I'm just going to delete it because I don't want to show anything and then for the first card I am going to take the user to this link It's going to be a different tab and I would like it to say CME and The for the text I'm gonna say some Texts that I have already prepared Okay, and then the button I'm just gonna say Discover now just so that the user it will say discover now. Okay, or I can say whatever I want, right? So I can say more, okay Last but not least for the For the icon, I'm not gonna have a background for the card, but I will use Obviously data I don't want to use a laptop for CME. Let's say I'm going to use another icon Let's pretend that I'm going to use Say the the icons here We have several icons, but you're if there is a particular icon you want you can definitely reach out Okay, so I just did one I'm just gonna click on save just to make sure that the whatever I did is Valid before I move on to the next two cards. Okay, so I'm gonna go to this page and I'm gonna refresh So you can see here. It has a little university icon. It has more it has a word I want it has the main text, but it doesn't have the small one and I'm looking at I said, okay Maybe I can make this just a little bit smaller Okay, so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna say right here events your specialty I'm going to make it a little bit smaller and The here is where the editor is a little bit weak in the sense that You sort of have to play around with the font size to find the perfect size that you want So I will just put in 25. I can even change the say Different font and I'm gonna change the 25 to play around with it to see what is the right size Because oh, there we go So if I look at it as okay, maybe 25 is too small and I'm gonna change it to let's say 45 so note that Oasis does not actually show you what the original size of the text is You sort of had to just a play around and then find the size you want Now that I find that one that looks good I'm gonna go down and for the IT design I'm gonna change that text So I'm gonna scroll down So for the IT design, that's card to link button. Okay, I'm going to Go to here This is the link. I'm gonna take the user to okay Once again, it's also open a new tab and I will change the name to say journals And I'm gonna for the text. I'm going to save this And then for the For the icon I'm gonna change it. So remember this is journals So I'm gonna try to find something that relates somewhat to the idea of a journal. So I'm just going to Let's pretend this one look like a journal, okay, and then last tile our card I'm just gonna copy it So this is a link for the third link once again open the new tab and For the title. I'm just gonna say clinical recommendation and for the text I'm just going to use this copy and paste it and then for discover now I can say For example, I can say more info, okay, and Then for the icon, I'm not gonna use a snowflake. So maybe I would just use say This little icon right here. There we go. So I'm gonna click on save and close so now I have updated the three cards in the system and Then I can just refresh over here To see these will work the way that I wanted right? So now there are Plenty of components and we'll have a Tutorial to go through how each components are the same or different But hopefully this quick video tutorial have shown how you can create Catalog landing page that take the user to some courses on your platform Some search criteria on the platform and potentially links to other system Now if you're happy with everything what you will do then is you will go to catalog setting You're going to make this the default page. Okay, and then you're gonna go back and You're gonna say I'm gonna select the ocean template. So what does that mean now when the user go to Your website They are gonna see this page first and then when they log in they will be able to Interact the same. So let me just go back as someone who has logged in notice that they will go here they still have the navigation on the left hand side if you have if you If they have logged in I enabled so if you say hey, I don't want these navigations You because you have already reproduced the navigation here you can You can turn it off by going here Say I don't want user navigation. Okay, then This page does not have user navigation. Alright, so thank you for your time Bye. Bye
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains how to modify the last row of a catalog landing page. They demonstrate how to add and customize text, links, buttons, and icons for each card in the row. The speaker also mentions that the font size can be adjusted to find the desired size. They show the process of changing the link, text, and icon for each card in the row. The speaker advises saving and refreshing the page to ensure the changes are applied correctly. They conclude the video by mentioning that this tutorial can be used to create a catalog landing page that redirects users to courses, search criteria, or other systems. The speaker explains how to make this page the default one for the website and how to disable user navigation if desired. Credits: The video seems to be a tutorial provided by an unknown source.
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modify last row
catalog landing page
customize text
customize links
customize buttons
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