Special Mechanics for Bundles
1 - Starting with a basic bundle
1 - Starting with a basic bundle
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Video Transcription
In this video tutorial, we will talk about a few mechanics available to a bundle that is a bit uncommon. And you probably don't have a strong use case for them, but we'll describe them in case it becomes handy for any particular product you want to launch. So in this particular bundle, I'm going to come here, you will see that it's a very standard bundle. As a matter of fact, it has six courses in the bundle itself. To highlight that it is just a regular bundle, I have logged in as a learner. And what I'm going to do is I'm just going to purchase this bundle. It's a regular bundle. I'm not going to highlight anything in particular that you don't know about a bundle right now. So I'm just going to purchase this bundle as Melanie. So here we go. All right, just give me one second. All right, so once I start the bundle, and I go to the bundle itself, I have all these five courses listed. So, so far nothing crazy. Now, suppose I want a few requirements. Suppose I say that this bundle actually is just a gateway to additional courses you want to charge for more money. So imagine you say I want to charge more for the carpet care. Or you want to say that I would like the user to take the course where they cannot do module two until they finish one. So that you want them to do in sequence. But if this particular bundle have a lot of courses setting up prerequisite might be a little bit too manual intensive. So there's just a few sort of mechanics that you might want to enforce on your bundle. That is not common but might become necessary occasionally. And that's what we're going to show in the next few tutorials. Thank you.
Video Summary
This video tutorial discusses uncommon mechanics for course bundles that may prove useful for specific product launches. It begins with a demonstration of purchasing a standard bundle containing six courses. Although standard bundles don't generally require highlighting unfamiliar features, the tutorial explores how these bundles can act as gateways to additional, chargeable courses and the setting of course prerequisites. The latter allows for sequencing courses, making sure users complete modules in order. While such requirements are typically manual and uncommon, they can become necessary, which future tutorials will further explore.
course bundles
product launches
sequencing courses
additional courses
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