Special Mechanics for Bundles
3 - Easier pre-requisite rule
3 - Easier pre-requisite rule
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Sometimes, when you have a series of courses inside the bundle, you might want to make the course prerequisite of each other in a descending order, so that the course 2 cannot be started until course 1 in the bundle finish, and so on and so forth. Obviously, you can do this by go to the course 2, click on configuration, and then in the prerequisite, add the first one, you can pick the course that you want to make prerequisite. But the problem with this approach is, there's a few things. Number one is, if you have quite a few courses, it can be a little bit cumbersome. And second is, if you do end up changing the order of the course in the bundle, you have to go back and change the prerequisite. One easy way to actually achieve similar idea is click on this little hand. So I'm just going to click on it. So what the little hand does is, it basically saying, you have to finish all the course before this one. That way, if you need to move things around, it actually will maintain the logic. So let's see how that in action. So I'm just going to come back to the same bundle I was looking at. So right here, you can see that there is a prerequisite. So I need to finish this one to do this one right here. But let's say I move this one to number five. So now, Carpet Care is not available to me until I finish Supply Chain. And if I refresh this one, you will see that here it says, you have to finish previous courses. So it just make it a little bit easier to enforce your prerequisite rule inside a bundle without having to set up all the prerequisite and redo the prerequisite if you change the order. Thank you.
Video Summary
To manage course prerequisites in a bundle efficiently, instead of manually setting each course as a prerequisite of the next, you can use a feature that requires completion of all preceding courses. This approach simplifies management by maintaining prerequisite logic even if course order changes. Activate this feature by clicking a designated tool, which ensures users must complete prior courses before advancing. This eliminates the need to individually configure and adjust prerequisites when course sequence alters, making course management more streamlined and less labor-intensive.
course prerequisites
bundle management
prerequisite logic
course sequence
streamlined management
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