Targeted Custom Routing Logic
Step 1 - Setting up the group and custom page
Step 1 - Setting up the group and custom page
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Video Transcription
This is the first of three videos that will show how you can set up a custom home page for certain target groups Step one is you want to create a group that contains all the users Needs to be in this group. So I'm going to create a new group called ACCME reviewers because I want to set up a different catalog on the home page so that the ACCME reviewers does not see the entire catalog But only see the courses they are supposed to review and I'm just going to add a few members to it So So I'm just going to add Thomas Wong So that's just one person in this group. We can definitely add more users to the group But let's say that's the only one I care about. Okay, that's the group Second thing I'm gonna do is I am going to set up a custom page So I'm going to set up a custom page right here So it's under tools page builder custom page So I'm going to create a new page I'm just going to make it Let's really I just want to create a bunch of links so let's just pick this one is good So I'm gonna set up a page. I'm gonna call it a CCME Reviewer landing page. I'm gonna give a key. I just call it a CCME landing Okay, and then what I will do is I'm just going to remove some of these logos because this particular group At least for my demo, I don't need to actually make things too complicated so dear a CCME reviewer please Click on the please select the course to review Okay All right There we go. I'll just there we go. So they will fit in one line and here I can just put some text Okay, and then I probably don't need these so I'm just going to So I'm probably gonna just use something here to right now the template has a date let's just delete them, okay Okay, and Can I delete it there we go and they just have these and now we just put the name of the course I want some description and then I'm going to click on review Okay, so I'm just going to do two so that I don't have to spend too much time Repeating the mechanics and I probably don't want the speakers and whatnot. So I'm just gonna delete these Okay So this is gonna be a example where I have two courses For the person to review and then once again I'm just going to delete some of these and you can definitely use a different template than what I have picked here Okay, and next step. What I'm gonna do is I'm going to actually Select a course I want them to review. So let's say I want to select This is obviously is entirely depending on which course you want to review. Okay. So let's say I want this one and This one, okay So obviously for them to be consistent. I want to use the name that's actual course. So I'm gonna take this So that's one course This that's another course, okay, so suppose these are the two courses I want the user to review So I'm just gonna copy this here I should save the formatting. There we go You probably you can delete this if you want right and I'm gonna grab the second one Okay, and that you probably want to put some mess or you can delete it if you don't care right and Now I just need to tie this review button to where the course is and the best way to do it is I just grab the product code and I just follow the format that That would take the user directly there, which is the name of the website URL slash product Slash then the product code Okay, so that's where I'm gonna take it. So this one I'm going to say it's a URL. That's URL It's the same tab. Okay, and I'm also gonna grab this one Take the user To that page. Okay, and I'm just going to preview it just to make sure that this looks right So I probably should have put another template that doesn't have this white space But in either case I just click on this one It will take the user to the page that will take that to that course so they can review. So this is the first of three videos on how to create a custom landing page that has a Catalog you want a particular group to have
Video Summary
This video is the first of three that demonstrates how to set up a personalized home page for specific target groups. The first step is to create a group that includes the desired users. A group called "ACCME reviewers" is created in this example to set up a different catalog on the home page that only shows courses for review to this group. A custom page is then set up using the page builder tool, named "ACCME Reviewer landing page." The video goes on to explain how to add links and course information to this custom page for the reviewers to access and review. <br /><br />No credits were mentioned in the transcript.
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personalized home page
target groups
group creation
ACCME reviewers
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