Tips and Tricks (Advanced)
A more flexible Manual Purchase mechanic
A more flexible Manual Purchase mechanic
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Please note that the information covered in this tutorial only applies if your system uses Oasis for shopping cart. If your system uses an integrated ecommerce platform for shopping cart, the information in this tutorial does not apply. And you will know whether it applies or not by checking if there's a manual purchase button under the toolbox. So suppose I want to give someone a pretend purchase or backdoor access to this particular course that normally costs 50 to 100 dollars. When I click on manual purchase and then click on new manual purchase, I can select the user. So pretend I'm going to select this test user. I can click on create manual purchase. And then when I do that, what happens is Oasis will pretend that user made a purchase in Oasis, even though there is no credit card transaction. And we're going to create a transaction code that starts with MP dash to indicate that it is a manual purchase. However, while we do this, it does create a little bit of a problem for reporting purpose. Because if I want to see how many purchases was made, I will see that there is one purchase for a hundred dollars because that's what the test user would have paid, except there is no real money transaction. So obviously you can exclude the manual purchase when you run the report, but then maybe there are some manual purchase that you do want to include in your purchase report. So as you can see, our previous or current mechanics doesn't handle all the possible scenarios for reporting purpose. What we have add is now when you click on manual purchase, you have a few options. You can select the user and notice that you can create a test purchase or a regular manual purchase. Additional information is in the description here, but the idea is if you click on create a manual purchase, a test manual purchase, notice we say it is MP dash test dash then a code and the purchase amount is zero dollars. That way you know that this is a test that should not be included in any report. As a matter of fact, we are going to make sure that is honored because if I search for a purchase report, you will notice that this test purchase is here, but then you can just filter it out by searching for when you download it, just get rid of this. Alternatively, you can also make a regular purchase. So this is what I'm going to do. But when you create a manual purchase, you can decide for reporting purpose how much do I log this purchase. So maybe this purchase actually was made offline for $35. So I can do that. Then when I run the report, notice that it's going to say 35 instead of the listed price. This way you have flexibility of logging either a test purchase, which are not going to include in the report as long as you filter out test, or you can create a regular manual purchase with a slightly different purchase amount for reporting purchase. Hopefully this give you a little bit flexibility as long as you're using Oasis for your eShopping cart. Thank you.
Video Summary
The tutorial explains how to create pretend or backdoor access to a course in Oasis shopping cart. By using the manual purchase option, users can generate a transaction code starting with MP- to indicate a manual purchase without a real money transaction. However, this method may pose challenges for accurate reporting. To address this, users can now choose between test or regular manual purchases, with test purchases having a $0 amount to easily filter them out of reports. Additionally, users can manually adjust the purchase amount for accurate reporting. These options offer flexibility in handling different scenarios for reporting purposes within the Oasis eShopping cart system.
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Oasis shopping cart
backdoor access
manual purchase
transaction code
test purchases
Manual Purchase mechanic
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