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Attaching your logo in PDF Receipt
Attaching your logo in PDF Receipt
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Video Transcription
Suppose in your PDF receipt you want to put your logo in there There's a fairly easy way to do that. All you have to do is let's pretend that this is logo you want So I'm going to use a standard window snipping tool to copy the logo Okay, so that's the logo and then what we're gonna do is we are going to Go here, and I'm just going to ctrl V to paste it there we go So that will put the logo here, and I'm just going to click on update So that's how you get the logo and then when the user Get an email they will also receive a logo on the PDF
Video Summary
The video demonstrates a simple method to add a logo to a PDF receipt. The presenter uses the Windows snipping tool to copy the desired logo and then pastes it onto the receipt. After clicking on update, the logo appears on the PDF receipt. This ensures that when users receive an email with the PDF receipt, it will include the logo. No credits were provided in the video transcript.
Asset Caption
This technique is not restricted to only logos. You can add any images in your PDF receipt.
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add logo
PDF receipt
Windows snipping tool
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