Tips and Tricks (Advanced)
Curating Learning Path with Bundles
Curating Learning Path with Bundles
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Video Transcription
In this video tutorial, we will talk about how to use bundles to create learning paths. So in this example, on this website, you can see that I have quite a few courses that I'm selling and they are sort of grouped into different topics within theology. There are Greek, there are scripture, there are Latin, there are theo. So you could say, hey, and notice that I'm going to open another browser that's not logged in. I could use my search criteria to organize my content so that I can say, hey, if you want anything related to theology, just click here. And these are the three courses I have to offer. And to set that up. Under course settings and their search criteria, I basically set up theology and that basically include all the ones theology in the search criteria. So if I include the fifth one. Here we go. And if I refresh on this screen, you'll see that there are five things in the search criteria. So this is not how bundle works, obviously, but I'm just highlighting that one use case you have might be how do you group all of theology and say that, hey, why don't you buy a learning path called theology? And they will carry these four courses. So that's what we're going to do. So over here, I'm just going to set up a course. A bundle I'm going to call theology, theology, learning path. OK. And then what I'm going to do is I'm going to say, hey, this particular bundle, let's say I'm going to sell it for five hundred dollars. And I'm not going to do anything special other than I'm just going to include the ones that's theology. So these are the four ones. OK, so that's all I'm going to do. OK, and then I'm just going to rinse and repeat by setting up another another learning path called, for example, scripture. Right. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to bond those and I'm going to say scripture learning path. Right. And this time, what I'm going to do is I'm let's say this is a 250. And as you can see, I'm just going to rinse and repeat. I'm just going to say, hey, I'm just going to include script. I'm going to include these three courses that I've already have. I'm just going to make this a learning path. Right. So then what I can do is now I have two bundles that really is, I call it a learning path, but it's really just a bundle. So now what I can do is on the catalog. So I'm just going to clear this. So I go back to the catalog. I could make the bundle featured so they will show up right here. Right. So that's very easy. I'm just going to feature this. Obviously, I have not dressed this up at all. So compare with the rest of the item. You see theology learning path is a little bit bland compared with the other things. In addition, what I can do is I can go to dashboard, go to search criteria, and I can add a new one. OK. Cut learning path. Learning path. There we go. And then what I'm going to do is I'm going to add, say, theology. I'm going to add another one called scripture. Not sure if I spell it right, but doesn't matter. And then I'm just going to add the bundle to it. So theology. So that's a learning path. And over here is a scripture learning path. There we go. So now if I refresh, notice that now I can sort of curate some learning path for the user so that they can just directly come here by the bundle. So you can call it a learning path, but reality is a bundle. And then when they buy it, they will have access to everything in the bundle or the learning path. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the speaker demonstrates how to use bundles to create learning paths on a website. They explain that courses can be grouped into different topics, such as theology, and these groups can be bundled together to create a learning path. The speaker sets up bundles called "Theology Learning Path" and "Scripture Learning Path," including relevant courses in each bundle. These bundles can be featured on the website's catalog for easy access. By curating learning paths, users can purchase a bundle and gain access to all the courses within that bundle. No credits were mentioned in the video.
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