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Member-Only Course
Member-Only Course
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Video Transcription
Hi, suppose you have a course and you want this course to be sold to members but not members. The easiest way to do it is uncheck the box for non-members so that it's only sold to members. Uncheck the box for non-members so it's only sold to members. So this is a fairly simple way so that the members can see a course but cannot touch it unless they become a member. A good way to drive membership. And I'm going to, I have another browser open as Aaron Fox who is a non-member. So as you can see here, if I search for this course, it says detail instead of price because technically I'm not eligible. When I click on it, it will say not eligible. Alright, let's say you say, hey, you know what, I don't want non-members to see the course at all because it's sort of a hidden course that's only available for members. So even though non-members cannot touch it, I just don't want them to see it. What you can do is you can come over here. So instead of the setup, what we're going to do is we're going to check this box. Okay, so it is eligible for non-member because we're no longer going to use this to control access. But I'm going to select manage enrollment and this will automatically hit it. Okay, so that's the first thing we're going to do is we now make it a private course. Then I'm going to go to tools, list, user group. And I'm actually going to, oh, there's already a member. Actually, I'm going to start a new one. Hold on a second. So I'm going to, under tools, list, user group, I'm going to create a new group. I'm going to call it members only. Okay. And I'm going to check the box that says allow rule-based user group. And then I'm going to create a new rule. And then I'm going to say that this rule, what you have is it has to be group membership in, oh, wait. It's not group member, it's called membership level. Is member. Here we go. I'm going to click on save. So out of the entire universe of users, 836 are members. And here is a list of users. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to the course that is private enrollment. I'm going to click on enrollment. I'm going to click on enroll group. I'm going to select member only. So now, as user logging in, if they're a member, they're automatically added to this member only group because it's a rule-based. So the membership is evaluated on the fly and anyone who is a member will have access to this. This gives you the flexibility of enroll additional users who are not meeting the rule, but say you have a tester who happens to be a non-member, you can enroll them manually. Now to see this in action, I'm going to go back to the catalog and I'm going to search for this course. You'll see that it no longer shows up. All right. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains two methods to control access to a course. The first method involves unchecking a box for non-members, ensuring only members can purchase the course. Through the second method, the speaker demonstrates making the course private and creating a user group called "members only." By setting a rule in the group that requires membership, any user who is a member will automatically have access to the course. The speaker also highlights the flexibility of manually enrolling non-members who may need to access the course temporarily. Using these methods, the course can be hidden from non-members entirely. The video ends with a demonstration of how the course no longer appears in search results for non-members.<br />No credits were provided.
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control access
members only
hidden course
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