Tips and Tricks (Advanced)
Modifying Live Course Registration Experience
Modifying Live Course Registration Experience
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Video Transcription
In this video tutorial, we'll go over a few things you can customize when user register for a live course. So over here as administrator, I have logged in as a administrator and I have a course called Buying Life Insurance Policy on the Cheap, right? And it has a live session that is using Zoom webinar integration. Then on the different browser, I'm just going to search for this course and I'm just going to highlight exactly what the live webinar integration works if you don't change anything. So I click on Get Started because it's a free product, okay? And you notice that there's a little pop-up and then when you close, there's a little message, a little bit message here and then something here, okay? So let's say you want to change a few things. Let's say you want to change the pop-up, okay? So this is what you have to do. I'm going to switch back. I'm going to go to Settings. I'm going to come down to see Live Course Registration Custom Pop-up Message. So I can make the pop-up message to say, please let your friends know about this course, this webinar, okay? So then what happens is I'm just going to reset because remember the pop-up only come up one time when the user first register into it. So I'm just going to reset Adam Chicago's registration. So I'm going to go back to the catalog and I will just go register for this course again. So I'm going to click on Get Started and notice that a different message will come up, okay? So let's say you say, okay, that's great but I would like to change this message as well. So this message will be a system-wide message as in there's only one place you can change it and it's going to affect every single live webinar that you have. So whereas the alert box can be modified for each individual webinar. So if you want to change this message for every single webinar that you have, you need to submit a ticket to support at oasis-lms.com with exactly what wording you want and then we will be able to make the change and it's actually fairly easy. You just need to go to a backend that only support team have access to. So I'm just going to show exactly what the support team will actually do is they are going to say, I'm sorry, it's under a special thing called localization that only support team have access to. So there is right here online meeting instruction. So I can put some message here to say, please make sure you are 10 minutes early and be prepared. Okay, let's say that is what you want to say across all the meetings you have. Now, if I refresh, notice that this is a message that shows up. So it's a very simple thing to do, but we want to make sure you submit a ticket because we don't want people to make changes to this instruction and adversely affect everything in the system. So let me know if there's any questions. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the administrator explains how to customize user registration for a live course. The course uses Zoom webinar integration, and the administrator demonstrates how to change the pop-up message that appears upon registration. They also explain that the system-wide message for all webinars can be changed by submitting a ticket to support. The support team has access to a backend where they can modify the message under the "localization" section. It is important to submit a ticket to prevent adverse effects on the system.
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video tutorial
customize user registration
live course
Zoom webinar integration
pop-up message
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