Tips and Tricks (Advanced)
Pre-Requisite of X out of Y
Pre-Requisite of X out of Y
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This tutorial talks about how to manage a slightly more advanced prerequisite rule So I happen to create a bundle that has 9 courses leading up to the final exam Even though obviously prerequisite doesn't require that you have a bundle And I'm just going to open this final exam as a separate tab So it is fairly straightforward to say I want the user to finish the first 8 So what we're going to do is we're going to select the Bio 101, this one, Greek, the two Greeks, the two Latin, and the two Scriptures There we go So let's say I do that Then basically the system is saying that you've got to finish these 8 courses in order to be able to take the final exam And I have another browser open to show this So now I'm just going to refresh And you can see that the user cannot access the final exam until they finish everything And the user I'm using happened to finish 2 out of the 8 requirements But suppose you say, actually my rules is slightly more complicated Where I just need the user to finish, say, 4 out of the 8 I don't care which 4, you just need to do 4 If that's your rule, what you can do is On the prerequisite here, I'm just going to remove everything that I just created Okay, so give me one second while I do this Okay, we're almost there Okay, so instead of just adding all 8 What we can do is we can say that I am going to add the same 8 So this one, this one, the Greek, the Latin, and the Script But it's going to be a grouped requirement And this is going to be 4 out of 8 And then I'm going to say, oh, okay, there we go So I need the user to do, out of these 8 I need, instead of all, instead of any, it's going to be any x of y And I'm going to say you've got to do 4 Okay, so I'm going to click on Save So here, what you're doing is you're saying that Instead of doing all 8, or instead of doing 1 of the 8 You can do 4 of the 8, and then you will meet the requirement Okay, so now I'm just going to come over here I'm going to refresh on the screen for the learner You will see that when I click on Requirement It's going to say 4 out of 8, you must complete 4 And then notice that the user is halfway there to the 4 completion So this is how you can get a little bit more creative By even creating, say, multiple groups, right So I only have one group here You could have another one, have another group And so that you can have some, say, 8 all required And then another 8 that is, say, 2 out of 8 or 6 out of 8 So you can create multiple groups Thank you
Video Summary
In this tutorial video, the presenter explains how to manage prerequisite rules for a bundle of courses leading up to a final exam. They show how to set up a rule where the user must finish a specific number of courses before accessing the exam. The presenter demonstrates how to create a rule where the user can choose any four out of eight courses to complete. They also mention the option of creating multiple groups with different completion requirements. Overall, the video provides instructions on how to set up and customize prerequisite rules for course bundles. No credits are mentioned.
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prerequisite rules
course bundles
final exam
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