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Send a quick email blast
Send a quick email blast
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In this video walkthrough, we will go over how to use Oasis' mass email system to send an end-of-year survey as a use case. We're going to go light on the actual survey because you can definitely build out the survey with a question that makes sense to you. And then we also go light on how to set up the email because everyone might have their own preference over how the email looks. The walkthrough video tutorial here will only highlight the steps required. So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to click on courses, new courses. I'm just going to create an on-demand course called Year End Survey 2020. OK, so Survey 2020. OK. And then what I'm going to do is it doesn't offer credit, obviously, and it's free because nobody wants to pay for a survey. The most important thing here is I'm going to uncheck learning content and I'm going to enable evaluation. So basically, this course has nothing more than just evaluation. And then what I'm going to do is I am going to set up the evaluation. Like I said earlier, I'm going to go light on how to set up the evaluation because hopefully at this point, you know how to set up the evaluation. So I'm just going to say, what do you do you think? Do you think the learning platform was helpful in 2020? OK, and I'm going to say yes and no. That's all I need to do. OK, and then that's all I'm going to do. Nothing more, nothing less. One simple question for the year end survey, which is definitely not the right way to do a year end survey. But for demonstration of how to do it, it's good enough. And I'm going to create a permalink. I'm not going to call this survey 2020. OK, so now the user will be able to go to this link and be able to fill out the survey. OK, so now what I'm going to do is I have set up the product. Actually, what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to copy it because I'm going to need this later. All right. So next, what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to tools, email. I'm going to set up an email template for this email that I'm going to send out just so that it's a look a little bit prettier than a regular email. Right. So I'm going to do custom and there's a box template. I'm just going to pick this one for no other reason. Just because it's a it's their survey year and survey 2020. Right. So now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to replace some of these with my my own stuff. Right. So I'm going to get rid of the top banner. I'm going to say, please fill out this year and year and survey. All right. So I'm not a wordsmith here. So definitely feel free to make this say whatever you want to say. But that's good enough. And for this image, I'm just going to upload an image. I just happen to have an image. I'm going to upload. There we go. It's not the best image, but that's that's all I'm going to do. Then I'm going to say here is going to say get started. All right. And over here, what I'm going to do is I'm going to send the user. I'm going to copy this, paste that, and I'm going to click on save. OK, so I'm going to just preview as well to see what it looks like. Literally, this is what the email is going to look like when it is sent out. OK, so feel free to put more text. Like I said, I'm going to go light on how to set up your email just because everyone have their own preference. So now this is set up. Then what you're going to do is you're going to go to tools, email campaign, send mass email. And then you probably want to select common email target and just say everyone who have at least logged in once. If you want to email everyone in the system or anyone who have already at least logged in the last 12 months. I recommend doing this one just because, you know, you're not going to want to spam everyone in the system. You want to, you know, if they haven't logged in for a whole for the last 12 months, they probably don't give you a good survey anyway. Because they don't know, right, because they haven't touched your system. So then you click on validate. We're going to remove user who are who are not doesn't want to receive email. And then you can say, please fill out the year and survey year and survey. OK, and then you just pick the template and then you click on send mass email. So now before you click on this, I was strongly, strongly, strongly, strongly recommend that when you start, you don't send it to everybody. You just send it to yourself. Right. Just so that you will make sure that email looks right. Take you to the right place before you actually send it to everybody in your system. Because when the email goes out and there's a wrong email, no amount of panic support calls to 360 factor is going to be able to put that email back. So thank you.
Video Summary
In this video walkthrough, the presenter demonstrates how to use Oasis' mass email system to send an end-of-year survey. They explain that the survey can be customized to fit individual preferences, and give a brief overview of setting up the survey and email template. The survey consists of a single question asking whether the learning platform was helpful in 2020, with options for yes and no. The presenter advises creating a permalink for users to access the survey. They also show how to set up an email template with personalized text and an image. Finally, they explain how to send a mass email to selected recipients, emphasizing the importance of testing the email before sending it to all users. No credits are mentioned in the video.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
mass email system
end-of-year survey
survey setup
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