Tips and Tricks (Advanced)
Video Interaction - Quiz
Video Interaction - Quiz
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Video Transcription
In this video tutorial, we'll show how to add a different type of interaction to your video called a quiz. In order to add a quiz, first you have to make sure that your video content is required, and then you need to add a supporting document. Let's make the supporting document a quiz. I say Knowledge Check 1, Required, Save. All right, so then I'm going to click on this icon to manage the quiz content. I'm going to say Multiple Choice, click on the little pencil icon, and I'm going to say, what is 1 plus 1? And I'm going to say 1, 2, 3, 4, with 2 being the correct answer. Okay, I can also add another question called, what is the color of the sky? Let's say blue is the right answer, but you know, in California, it might be red, just because the fire they're having, and maybe a yellow. All right, I'll just pretend that blue is the right answer. And then we probably want to give it a passing score just because we want to make sure the user answers the quiz correctly before they can move on to the quiz. So now that I have, and I can obviously create more quiz to put in the video if the video is long and I want to have multiple checkpoints, but for this demo, I'm just going to have one. So now I can click on the bell icon. I click on Interaction. I'm going to say, okay, 30 minutes into the video, I'm going to do a Knowledge Check. And Knowledge Check is going to be the quiz, and that's the quiz I'm going to select. All right, so one thing is you can't actually preview a quiz directly here, just because there is a response element to it. So OASIS, anything that has a user response cannot be easily previewed. So what you can do is you can just click on Access Course. Make sure it's published, and then I'm just going to access it to show you what the quiz looks like. What the quiz looks like. So I'm just going to start over here. Keep in mind that this is a course that's published. I just add some interaction to the only video it has, and it's published already. So I click on Access to be able to access to it. Keep in mind that a 30-second mark is when a quiz is going to pop up, and I have to answer the quiz correctly, receiving a 100% score in order to pass. So here we go. That's the quiz. Let's just say I answered it wrong. Okay. Submit. So it's going to say, hey, you missed it. Please do it again. I will retake. This time I'm going to answer correctly, and then I can continue. And then you can see that the user will essentially get blocked at that video, answer correctly on the quiz, and proceed. So this is how you can add video interaction where the interaction is a quiz directly on the system. Thank you.
Video Summary
Summary:<br />In this video tutorial, the speaker demonstrates how to add a quiz as a form of interaction in a video. The first step is to ensure that the video content is required and then add a supporting document, which in this case is a quiz. The speaker shows how to create multiple-choice questions with correct answers and how to set a passing score. The video also shows how to add the quiz at a specific time in the video and how users are required to answer correctly to proceed. The tutorial ends by emphasizing that quizzes can be a useful form of video interaction. No credits were mentioned in the video.
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video tutorial
quiz interaction
multiple-choice questions
passing score
video interaction
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