Tips and Tricks (Advanced)
Video Interaction - Verification Code
Video Interaction - Verification Code
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Video Transcription
Hi in this video tutorial we will go over how to add interactions to the video. This is the first video where we're going to talk about how to add verification code to the video. Make sure you have uploaded video and click on the little bell icon. First thing you'll notice is that interactions is only possible if the video asset is required. That's just because if it's optional the user will be able to skip the entire video and not do what you want the user to do. So that's what we're going to do. We're going to make it required and then I'm going to say I'm going to add some interactions. Notice that this video has a minute and a half. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to say about 20 seconds into the video I'm going to display the code. Okay so and let's just say 132a is good you can put less you can put any code you want you just want to make sure you remember the code that you're displaying to the user and then I'm going to add another interaction this time let's say I'm going to add 40 seconds into the video and this time I'm going to say that I am going to verify the code. So verify code and obviously I want to verify the code that I just put in. Alright so now that I have entered 20 seconds to display a code and 40 seconds to verify the code I want to click on preview on video to make sure that it works the way that I want it. So I'm going to click on play so this video is playing and remember at the 20 second mark a code is going to be displayed to the user and the user will have to memorize it. Okay so here we go we're leading up to the 20 second mark there we go 1328. So notice that this code will eventually go to the corner and then eventually disappear so idea is the user have to actually remember to write down the code so that they will be able to enter the code at the 40 second mark. So here we go 40 seconds coming up there we go so I'm going to type in 13 A4 I think so submit oh so look at that so I actually forgot the code actually I pasted in here paste there we go 1328 and then when you enter the correct code you will be able to proceed. So this is the first type of interaction and obviously you can add more pairs in different frequencies to make sure the user is paying attention to the video. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the speaker demonstrates how to add interactions to a video. They explain that interactions can only be added if the video asset is required, as optional videos allow users to skip without taking the desired action. The speaker proceeds to add two interactions to the video: displaying a code at 20 seconds and verifying the code at 40 seconds. They emphasize the importance of the user remembering the code. They then demonstrate how to test the interactions by playing the video and entering the correct code to proceed. The speaker concludes by suggesting adding more interactions to ensure user attentiveness. No credits were mentioned in the video transcript.
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video tutorial
add interactions
optional videos
code verification
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