Tips and Tricks (Basic)
Analytic Integration
Analytic Integration
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Video Transcription
LMS has expanded its analytic capability by allowing for both Google verification code and Salesforce analytic code. So if your system needs to do analytic with Google, continue to use Google analytic. But if you want to use Salesforce analytic, you just have to type in a code here to enable the to track it with Salesforce. In addition, if you want to turn on Google search and you need a verification code on Oasis so that Google can crawl it, just put in the verification code in this field. So those are two, we basically added two new settings for analytic, the Google verification code and Salesforce analytic.
Video Summary
In a video, it is mentioned that LMS now offers expanded analytic capabilities by supporting both Google verification code and Salesforce analytic code. Users can continue to use Google Analytics for their system's analytic needs, and if they prefer Salesforce analytic, they only need to enter a code to enable tracking with Salesforce. Additionally, users can enable Google search by entering a verification code in the provided field within Oasis. These new settings allow users to easily integrate Google and Salesforce analytic, offering enhanced tracking and search functionalities. No credits were mentioned in the video transcript.
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expanded analytic capabilities
Google verification code
Salesforce analytic code
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