Tips and Tricks (Basic)
Display Modules in Open/Closed By Default
Display Modules in Open/Closed By Default
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Video Transcription
If you set up modules within a course, the default display expands all the modules in a little panel the user can then collapse. This is very useful to give the user a quick glimpse into what is contained in the document repository. However, this layout doesn't work so well if you have a lot of modules and you want the user to be able to see all the modules that the document repository contains without having to actually click on the collapse icon. So by default, this is what it looks like and you want it to be collapsed by default. The way to do that is, if you switch over to admin view, under content, for each module, you can click on this icon. By clicking on this icon, you're basically saying that I want it to be collapsed by default. And if you mouse over, you give it enough time to refresh, it's going to say that. So let's see. There we go. Module will be collapsed by default. So when you do that, so now let's go back and take a look. So let's grab the name. So if you see here, it's collapsed by default. One is still expanded because you need to display the coming soon, but by default it's collapsed. And this is going to be useful if you have a long list of modules and you want everything to show up in almost like a list format.
Video Summary
The video discusses how to change the default display of modules within a course. The default setting expands all modules in a panel, but this layout may not work well for courses with many modules. To change this, users can switch to admin view, go to content, and for each module, click on an icon to make it collapsed by default. This is useful for courses with a long list of modules, as it allows everything to be displayed in a list format. The video demonstrates this process and explains the benefits of using a collapsed default setting. No credits were mentioned in the transcript.
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Document Repository Only
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