Tips and Tricks (Basic)
Positioning of the closed caption (subtitle) on a ...
Positioning of the closed caption (subtitle) on a video
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Video Transcription
If you have closed caption or subtitle attached to your video, the positioning of the subtitle is controlled based on the browser. For example, this is the Chrome. You will see that the subtitle or the closed caption shows up just about this high away from the progress bar. So this is Chrome's implementation of where to display. I'm going to open Firefox to show that Firefox actually implements about the same distance as Chrome. Here is Internet Explorer Edge. Internet Explorer Edge does about the same distance as well. So keep in mind Firefox, Edge, and Chrome has the same implementation of where to display the closed caption. Now I'm going to come over to Safari. I'm going to refresh the screen to show that Safari put the closed caption a little bit lower than the other three browsers. This is just a way to highlight that the closed caption display is not controlled by Oasis or the video player. Instead, it is controlled by the browser the user is using. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video discusses the positioning of subtitles or closed captions based on different web browsers. The speaker demonstrates that in Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer Edge, the subtitles appear at a similar distance from the progress bar. However, in Safari, the closed captions are displayed slightly lower compared to the other browsers. The video emphasizes that the display of closed captions is not controlled by Oasis or the video player but rather by the individual browser being used by the viewer. No credits are mentioned in the video.
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subtitles positioning
closed captions
web browsers
display differences
browser control
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