Tips and Tricks (Basic)
Pre-Sale of On-Demand Product
Pre-Sale of On-Demand Product
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video will show how to set up a course and publish the course before you actually have any content. As long as you put a release date that's in the future, OSIS allows you to pre-sell a particular course. Obviously, the caveat is you want to make sure the content that people will be paying for are loaded before that release date. Otherwise, you might have some very angry customers. So, this video quick through will pretend that you have an annual meeting that is set up as a multi-part, and you have all the pricing set up, but you don't actually have any content. No child or anything. So, what we're going to do is we are going to, if you try to publish it right now, the system is going to detect the fact that you don't have anything, and it's going to say you're making a mistake. I'm going to block you. So, what you can do is you can click on edit. You can tell the system, hey, the course actually is going to be released in the future. So, allow me to sell it. So, let's say you're going to set it to April 15th, the text date. There you go. So, you set the release date in the future. Now, when you publish, the system is going to still warn you to say, hey, that is a very scary thing you're about to do, but I'm going to let you move on anyway. So, then you can publish. So, now that you have published it, if I flip over to the learner view, you'll see that this course is available for user to click on and purchase, but the available date is in the future. So, when the user click on it, they will be able to buy. Obviously, you probably want to put something where the white space is to let the user know that they're about to buy something that they cannot access. So, let's just switch over to the admin view to make that change, and you're going to see this video tutorial jump back and forth between admin and learner side to make certain changes. So, what we're going to do is we're going to click on manage feature, and then we're going to just add instruction to let the user know that this is something that's going to be released in the future. So, now what we're going to do is we're going to go to the instruction tab and click on new instruction, and let's call it pre-sell instruction. Obviously, you can say whatever you want, but let's just say pre-sell instruction. Pay early and get a discount. You can obviously say whatever you want, but let's just make it simple, and this message, you probably want to say in the catalog, but in the overview page, which is when the user has already bought it, you probably don't want to say anything. So, let's just check no there. So, now I have a little message. If I go over to the learner view, if I click on it, now this message shows up. Obviously, you can have more, but let's just go through the purchase process and see what that looks like. So, I'm just going to pay with a fake credit card because this system right now is basically accepting any credit card because it's in test mode. So, I just put in some fake credit card, confirm, and it's going to come back and let me in. There we go. So, now when I click on visit course, I will see this message. So, if you want to change this message, this is default message. If you want to change it, what you can do is you can go to the admin view and click on the course and the configuration. There is custom pre-release message. So, you can actually, if you don't like the default message, you can say, we will send you an email when the content is uploaded, for example. So, now, when I switch over, that's the message that's going to show up. And one more thing, if you want user to be able to see this early and more prominently, you could also go to the public catalog page, click on banner setting, and you can actually create a banner. So, let's just do that. So, it's not announcing banner and we're not going to take the user to an external site. I'm actually just taking the user to the site on the LMS. So, I'm going to pick this one. I'm going to select a banner and actually, I have already created a banner for this tutorial. So, I'm going to, so I have created an image. Obviously, probably want to do this image. You probably want to do this image with a better graphics than what I'm about to do. And then you can say that I want to display it both on the public catalog page and also on the personal catalog page. So, let's just click on save. So, this is just a 30-second job on a banner. You probably can do a better job. But when I switch to the learner now, there's going to be a banner at the top that tell the people that they can buy the course ahead of time. So, here's just a few things that you can do to start selling something that you don't have the content yet, but you want to start driving revenue.
Video Summary
The video demonstrates how to set up and publish a course on OSIS even before any content is available. By setting a future release date, users can pre-sell the course, but it is crucial to ensure that the content is loaded before that date to avoid customer dissatisfaction. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to edit the course details to indicate the future release date and adds a pre-sell instruction for users. It also explains how to change the default message and create a banner to promote the pre-sale on the public catalog page. The video aims to help users generate revenue by selling courses in advance.
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OSIS course setup
pre-selling courses
future release date
course details editing
pre-sale promotion
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