Tips and Tricks (Basic)
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Video Transcription
Hi, suppose you have a fairly big course that is selling for a fairly large amount of money and you don't actually have all the content ready for the course yet but you would like to sell this course before you have everything ready to go into the course what you can do is you can click on edit under the course and you can set a release date that is in the future so in this case I'm just going to set a release date that is today is November 11th let's say I'm going to set it November 30th and I'm going to say 8 in the morning and all the time zone that you're selecting on the admin side is assume it's central time zone so if you're eastern just make a mental adjustment so when you set a course with a release date in the future what you're really doing is start selling something that you're not going to deliver until the release date so over here I'm going to go to the catalog as John Smith I'm going to step into the annual meeting and I will pay for the course notice that we do inform the user that the course is going to be released in the future so I'm just going to make the payment so notice that I'm about to pay for a course that actually is not going to be released in the future so essentially I am paying for something that I cannot use right away so here we go so now when I go to the course you'll see that the user is greeted with a message that says it will be available on this date so this will allow you to collect money before you have the course ready however by having a release date you actually rob your own ability to test how this course is going to behave because it has a release date so suppose you add evaluations, test, pre-test, post-test, surveys whatever you want to add to the course you're not going to be able to test because it has a release date in the future in order to test what you can do is you can add a bypass code so in this case I'm just going to say knock knock pretend that knock knock is my secret passcode okay I'm going to click on add and then I'm going to go back to the screen I'm going to refresh so now notice that the system is smart enough to say oh this course even though it is not released yet there is a code that does allow you to have early access so I'm just going to put the code in there apply the passcode and I will be able to get into the course as if the release code is not being enforced only user with a passcode can enter into the course and as soon as the person has used the passcode they will be able to re-enter the course every time in the future thank you
Video Summary
In the video, the speaker explains how to sell a course before it is completed. They demonstrate setting a release date in the future and paying for the course, even though it won't be available immediately. When accessing the course, a message informs the user of the release date and they are unable to test any additional features added to the course. However, the speaker suggests adding a bypass code to allow early access. By applying the code, users can enter the course and continue to access it in the future.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
sell course
course release date
early access
bypass code
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