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Publicly visible, Privately enrolled courses
Publicly visible, Privately enrolled courses
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Video Transcription
tutorial, we will explain a new addition to how managed enrolled courses can be enhanced. As a reminder, any course that is public enrollment means everyone can see it and everything that is managed enrollment or private enrollment is only visible for people who are enrolled. So we'll take this as an example. This is GIFLO flashcard. So right now it is enrollment access is enrollment and keep in mind anytime you can switch between open enrollment and the managed enrollment as administrator. So if we keep it as enrollment, then anyone who is under enrollment will be able to see. So right now nobody is enrolled. So if I go to learner view and I search for this particular course, I am not going to be able to find it. So now if I happen to have another browser open with a different user called first year fellow, so imagine I enroll that user in this course. So I switch back as administrator and I'm going to enroll the first year fellow who is just a user in the system. So I'm just going to enroll existing user. I know that he has the fellow in his name. There we go. As soon as they enroll this user, if I flip over to the same user and do a search, it will show up. There we go. It's going to show up and it's shown up because the course, even though it's set as private enrollment, the first year fellow person is enrolled. However, sometimes you want a course that is privately enrolled to still be visible to public with additional to still be visible to public with additional instructions on how they can either receive invitation to be part of that closed group. So if you want to do that, all you have to do is as administrator, go to the course, click on edit and check the box that says display on public catalog. When you click on display on public catalog, what that means is it's going to tell Oasis, even though this course is privately enrolled, I still want to advertise it for people who is not enrolled in the course. So to illustrate that, I'm going to jump to this tab who is a user and I'm going to search for the same course. Remember, Benjamin is not enrolled in the course, but Benjamin now can see it. Even though he's not eligible to take the course, he can see it. But when I try to continue, I'm not going to be able to actually go into the course. So here I'm just going to try to click on it. Notice it says not eligible. It's not eligible because even though the course is made visible to public, the enrollment rule is still being enforced and the user cannot start. So you can put additional information here on how to gain access to this course if there is a way for the user to gain access to this course.
Video Summary
This tutorial explains how managed enrolled courses can be enhanced. The video demonstrates the process of enrolling users in a course and making it visible to the public. Initially, the course is set to private enrollment, meaning only enrolled users can access it. However, by checking the "display on public catalog" box, the course can be advertised to non-enrolled users. Although they can see the course, they are still not eligible to take it unless they have a specific invitation or access method. Administrators can provide additional instructions on how to gain access if applicable. No credits were mentioned in the video transcript.
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managed enrolled courses
enrolling users
public visibility
private enrollment
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