Unusual Use Case: Art Gallery
Step 1 - Setting up the Document Repository
Step 1 - Setting up the Document Repository
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Video Transcription
In this video tutorial, we will go over how to use Document Repository and set up a product similar to an art gallery. Just a fun example. Login as administrator, click on Courses, and we're going to add a new course. We're going to select Document Repository. Let's call it Art Exhibit. I'm just going to set up the Document Repository. Let's just make it free. There's nothing really special about this Document Repository that we're going to use as an art exhibit. I'm just going to add a couple images because let's just pretend that it's art. The first one, I'm going to upload, let's say, an old man. That sounds like a very artsy name. I'm just going to grab this picture. Actually, an artist. Anyway, here we go. I have attached the old man. Then what I'm going to do is I'm actually just going to publish it so that I will put it on the left-hand side and I will put the admin page on the right-hand side so we can slowly build this out as we add more things to it. I'm going to go to Exhibit, oh shoot, Art. This is Art Exhibit. We're just going to take a look. Okay. That will be without much of anything. That's just one art is here. Then what next thing I'm going to do is I am going to just make a couple images so that the art gallery is a true gallery. I'm going to add another one. This one is, let's say, a girl. Girl sleeping. Then I'm going to upload one more. This time, I'm going to select this one. Let's say a group of people. Okay. Now I have uploaded three. What I will also do is I will make this art gallery searchable so that the layout is a little bit more in line with the art gallery. Here we go. I'm going to click on Refresh. Now there's some art and there's a search capability and we are on our way. Okay.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the presenter demonstrates how to use the Document Repository feature to set up an art exhibit. They log in as an administrator, select Document Repository, and create a new course called "Art Exhibit." They add a few images, such as an old man and a girl sleeping, to the repository to simulate an art gallery. The presenter then publishes the exhibit and makes it searchable, enhancing the layout. The video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the art exhibit using the Document Repository feature. No credits were mentioned in the transcript.
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video tutorial
Document Repository feature
art exhibit
administrator login
step-by-step instructions
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