Unusual Use Case: Art Gallery
Step 3 - Assigning presenters
Step 3 - Assigning presenters
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Video Transcription
Suppose you want to add the actual presenter's information on the right-hand side so that it shows up where my mouse is circling, right? So what you can do then is you can go back here and this time what I need to do is I need to click on the little person icon and I'm going to add a presenter. So I'm going to pretend that Thomas Wong is going to be the presenter. Okay, I'm going to click on Close. So remember, Oatman has a presenter. So I come over here. I'm going to go to the exhibit. I click on the Oatman. You will see that there isn't a whole lot, but it does have the picture. So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually dress up Thomas Wong. So I'm going to come over here. I'm going to search for Thomas Wong. And by default, the user's picture is not tracked. So what you have to do is you have to go to Users, User Field. I'm going to track user profile. So now I'm going to search for Thomas Wong and I am going to click on Profile. Oh, I'm sorry. That's not the user profile you should be tracking. It's a user profile picture. Okay, there we go. So now you can go to right here. And I will actually go to upload the pictures. There we go. Actually, this is Picasso's picture. But anyway, I pretend I'm Picasso. All right, so now I'm going to come over here. I'm going to refresh the screen. That's going to be my picture here. So that's how you can put the person's picture right here.
Video Summary
The video demonstrates how to add a presenter's information to a specific location on a video interface. The presenter's information is added by clicking on the person icon and selecting a presenter named Thomas Wong. The video then explains how to dress up Thomas Wong's profile picture by searching for his name, selecting the correct user profile picture, and uploading a picture. The video concludes by showing the result of the new profile picture displayed in the designated location on the video interface. The presenter in the video is Picasso, although this is not relevant to the task being demonstrated. No formal credits are mentioned in the video.
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presenter's information
video interface
add presenter
Thomas Wong
205 West Randolph St, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60606
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