Use Case - Complex Curriculum with Live and On-Dem ...
Customizing User Experience
Customizing User Experience
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video we are going to go through the course that we just set up earlier except that we are going to constantly toggle between this screen which is administrator and uh... this screen which is a learner to uh... go through the learner experience and show you how each step can be customized as administrator so as uh... this particular user i'm just going to search for the course and because the course has the word alternative in it i'm just going to click on search i'll find it i'll pay for it here's some information about what's what the course is about and uh... i'm going to try to check out and because this is uh... test system i can literally put in any credit card information and that you would take it so let me just do the standard four then followed by fifteen ones okay here we go i click on start this is uh... what's displayed and then on the course tab there are three just like how we set it up let's go through the first one as soon as i click on the first one you see that the user sees some instructions here on what to do and there are two steps here that two options that they can pick and choose let's say you want to add a little bit more information to this screen so what we're going to do is we're going to go back to the admin view and this is what we're going to do for uh... for the selection we can give a little bit of user instruction to say uh... please select option one if you want two thousand nineteen and option two if you want twenty twenty you probably want to have a lot more detailed instruction but let's say that's the instructions you want to give next i'd probably also want to say hey uh... underneath is children i think the time and location is probably relevant for them to make a decision so i'm going to click on uh... configuration and uh... i'm going to click on subtitle i'm going to say this one is uh... happening in may thirty first two thousand nineteen to june set first two thousand nineteen at uh... chicago illinois that's the subtitle and then uh... for the twenty twenty i'm going to put a different subtitle i'm going to say this one is actually is uh... twenty twenty and this one is actually in las vegas so now that i have updated that i can switch over to the learner view and let's just refresh so as you can see the instruction has been replaced by a custom instruction that we have edited and the user selection now has a subtitle that might give them a little bit more context to make a selection so let's say we click on select now this page basically give a success message and the message that we have entered including the link information and the registration code if you want to change the messaging here let's go to administrator page and let's go to the first one there's a few things we can change for the enrollment message obviously we can make changes let's say we uh... we can do more information if we really want and for the success completion message we can also override it to say custom so for the custom completion message we can say you have successfully registered and let's just uh... copy that a couple times so now if i come back here and reload that message is at the top and this message at the bottom as you can see what the user sees after they have made the selection is completely dependent on what the administrator uh... set up so nothing is hardcoded uh... there are default text that will be displayed if you don't actually put any custom message in there but overall this will be the flow and uh... the second one is the same thing they can make a selection and uh... they're ready to go we have actually solved this problem right here where they need to make they will get instruction on how to register on an external site notice that we have not solved this problem of prompting the user for board of certification how do you do that so this is what you do to do that let's first reset thomas one's progress so that we can register again courses and uh... let's uh... let's reset this one so that i have to go through the whole selection process again so now that i have reset if i come back to my resources this one's here when i click on it notice that i have not made a selection yet but before i make a selection i want to go to admin view and for this particular course each child i want the user to declare which board so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on manage feature require pre-course survey and for the pre-course survey i'm going to add a new survey and keep in mind this is actually only one question survey because typically surveys are longer but we're basically using the survey mechanics to collect the information about their board information so we can say board of certification and for the description i can say please provide your board of certification actually please select obviously you can say a lot more than that and then for the question we're only going to have one question so let's just add the one question so say please select your board of certification so we can prepare the right session for you and it's going to be a multiple choice and it's going to be a custom and there's going to be two one is molecular molecular pathway course which if they board it in that another one is here because i've done this before the chrome remember my previous input and uh... selected for uh... so i can select it you have to type it yourself so i'm going to click on add and then this is good back to detail one thing that's very important is the survey i've always created in an edit status and you need to click on publish in order for this to be published so that's the first thing and then let's go back to the twentieth uh... twenty twenty and let's need to do the same thing require pre-course survey and this time that's the same thing your board selection and uh... some description and for questions we can just use the existing survey because we already have it so let's select twenty there's this one right here and uh... once again make sure you publish it so now that i have done that i'm going to switch over to the learner experience and then watch the prompt so same thing but when i select this it's going to ask me which board i select this one click on submit and uh... continue and then i'm back to where i were earlier so notice by adding a pre-course survey you can intercept the user workflow and collect some information before they get to this point so that's some of the mechanic uh... some of the customization you can do to modify the user's experience end-to-end
Video Summary
The video demonstrates how a course can be customized for both administrators and learners. The administrator searches for a course, pays for it, and customizes the instructions and subtitles for different options. The administrator can also change the enrollment and completion messages. The video then shows how a pre-course survey can be added to collect information from learners before they start the course. The administrator sets up the survey with a question about board certification. The video concludes by highlighting how the customization options can modify the learner's experience. This allows for a personalized and interactive learning journey. No credits were granted in the video.
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course customization
customizing instructions
customizing subtitles
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