Use Case - Complex Curriculum with Live and On-Dem ...
Product Setup
Product Setup
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We understand the problem we're trying to solve. We're gonna go through the website as administrator and do step-by-step how to set up this particular product. So just to refresh our memory, we are trying to create one product that has three component to it. And it has to be a bundle because it's online content is sold separately. If you don't understand the difference between bundle versus multi-part, there's several videos on Oasis University that explains how each one works. So, but to get started, we're just gonna create three courses to get us started. So we're gonna come back here and let's create the first component, other component, and then we're gonna create the overall bundle. So first one, let's say this is gonna be, let's call it LGG, let's call it on-demand content. So pretend this is on-demand content. Let's call it LGG on-demand, okay. So, and we're just gonna use it as a placeholder. We're actually not gonna put anything in here. And because this one is sold separately, we put a price here as well, okay. And I'm just going to add some very simple content because we're not actually showing how the content is uploaded to a course. We're actually showing how to mechanically set up this overall curriculum. So I'm just going to do sample content, some content. Here we go. Okay, so that's all we're gonna do and then we're just gonna publish it. So this is the on-demand portion that is sold separately and they just happen to be sold for $1 across the board. So we got the easy one out of the way. Next, what we're gonna do is we're gonna set up the first component, the foundational course. Remember, the first component is actually one course that allows user to pick one of two. So this one is gonna be a multi-part that contains one child and two child. So that's what we're gonna do. And the name is gonna be this as a parent. So I'm just gonna click on copy. So we're gonna create a multi-part first. Let's make it LPP, let's say one. And let's say this is a live course. One thing that we're gonna do is, because we're not gonna sell this separately, we're gonna click as the manage enrollment so that it's not visible for anyone and we just don't enroll anybody so that it's never gonna display for anyone to see. And the only way to gain access to this one is by buying the overall bundle. And let's just keep the price empty because nobody can actually get to it without buying the bundle. And we leave the instruction here just so that we can give users some instructions on what the course will be. So click on detail and let's just add some instruction. I'm gonna put some gibberish, even though you probably want to put something that's more meaningful. And because this is not gonna be listed in the catalog and only listed as part of the bundle, we don't have to show in catalog. And then we'll say general information. We can say this is how you can pick the course that you want to register. So let's say that's the instruction we want to give to the user. You can also use rich text box if you want, but let's suppose that's the case. Then I'm gonna add the two children, which is here. Children one, children two. But keep in mind, they are just a way to give user instruction on how to register for a course that is external to Oasis. So what we're gonna do here is we're gonna go to children, we're gonna click on add children, we're gonna create an add new course, and then we select external course. And then we create a course. So that's the first one. Oh, I click on it twice. So let me start over. So let me delete this one and try to create again because I click on the next button twice. So here we go, let's do this again. External course, that's the name. Next. Um, no credit offered. One thing is you want to give user confirmation on what to do. So that's the box that you check. And in addition, actually we're gonna need to check this one but I'm gonna come back later on why we need to check this box. But let's just go through this one. Okay, so now I set up the one course, I'm gonna set up another child. Okay, so now this child is gonna have this name. So as you can see here, I have already, I have set up two children underneath this one course. But one thing that's very important is that I need to go to multi-part setting and I need to make sure that the system treats the children as a variant. And what variant means is when you do that, the user pick one of the children but not all of the children. So by default, user will have access to everything that's a child, that's on the child level. But that's not what we want. So we make sure that we toggle this. And after we toggle it, we also want to make sure that user have to decide which children they want instead of system randomly select one for them. So we check that. Next step is give them some instructions on what to do. So we can click on the instruction and so click on the instruction and then we're gonna put some message. We'll say 2019 registration, please select which course you want to pick. Actually, we don't even have to do anything. We'll update it later. So if you don't do anything, there is gonna be a default message and then we can see how you can continuously adjust the user experience. So let's go here and let's actually give an enrollment message. So let's say, please read. Okay, so not in catalog. And then say, you have successfully registered for 2019 course. Please go to the link. Let's say we put the link here. And use the registration code and the code here. All right, so let's actually copy this, make it a rich text box and paste it here. So let's actually put the link here. So let's pretend the link is at yahoo.com, just so that, you know, let's say open a new window. Okay, and the code, let's say the code is actually called G79ERY. Let's say that's the code, okay? So just made it up, but that's the idea, okay? And what we're gonna do is, that's good enough. We're gonna add this and this will be it. And obviously, as you can see, you can put your own message here, but what I'm gonna do now is I'm just gonna publish it. Okay, and I'm going to actually do the same thing with 2020. And for the enrollment message, we can see that 2020 is not open for registration yet. So we can say, read me please, say 2020 registration is not yet open. Please wait, we will notify you when the registration is open. Obviously, you can say whatever you want here. I'm just basically typing some gibberish. Okay, so now I'm gonna publish. So as you can see here, I have published both children. They're both published. And then I can go to the top level and publish this one. So one thing I want to stress is, this one is published with private enrollment, which means nobody had access to it. So if I actually go out to the learner view and try to search for it, I'm not gonna be able to find it. I'm not gonna be able to find it. So, because it's set as a private enrollment. So now what we're gonna do is, I'm gonna do the exact same thing, but for the second component. And this time, I need to do three children, okay? So that's what we're gonna do now. So, I have copied over the names, so let's just get started. Obviously, these names can be changed to whatever you prefer, but let's just make LPP-2 is the code. Make sure this is private enrollment as well, so that you cannot buy this outside the bundle. And next. And then, I'm gonna create the children using these as the name. So once again, I'm creating a new course that is typed external. Here we go. And I want to give them a message, and the message is gonna be, you know, how to actually register on the external system. So let's do that two more times. Okay. Two down, one more to go. Child as a third child. Oh, sorry. External course, there we go. There we go. Some message that we need to display to the user. All right, so we have officially set up everything, so let's just put some placeholder for the message. So this one is yay, but right here. So, good. You are in. Click on this link, right? So you can put whatever text that you want. Let's just go through each one, and put some information here. So I'm just going to put some random text just so that we can quickly go through them without getting slowed down, trying to come up with some wording. Read me first. Here we go. All right, so now I'm gonna publish them. So I'm publishing each child, and then I'm going to go back and publish the parent. Go. Okay. So I'm publishing all the child, and then I'm going to go to the parent level, and I'm going to publish the parent. In addition, we've got to remember that this needs to be a variant setup. So we need to say it's a variant, and it's user selection. And then we're not going to change the instruction until later, so. Here we go. It's everything set up. Now what we're going to do is we're going to create a bundle and the bundle's name. So let's create a bundle. So keep in mind, this one is sold. This one is not sold. So they're locked. And the only way you can get access to this too is by buying the bundle. So let's create a bundle. So name the bundle is this, and let's call the code LPP. Let's make it enduring. Make sure it's open enrollment so people can see it. And let's give it a crazy price, $5,000. All right. Okay, and then you probably want to, if you want, you can give them some information so they understand what's so cool about this program. And let's do that. Let's say this one is what is included. Right, you can say E has three things, right? One is something, something as well, something else. All right, so obviously, do more effort in what I just did here, but I'm just going to publish. Oh, shoot, I forgot to actually include what's bundled. So what's bundled is the on-demand one that we created. So that's one. The next one is, what do we call it? Here, okay. So the name that we called is this one right here. So we're going to add it. And then this one, we're also going to add it. So now we have added all these, and then I probably want to make the on-demand the last one on the list, just so that people's eyes naturally gravitate towards the first two. And then I'm going to click on publish. So now it is publicly available. We are going to go through the whole process as someone new, and then we can go through how to modify all the messaging along the way in the next video.
Video Summary
In this video, the presenter provides a step-by-step guide on how to set up a product bundle on a website. The goal is to create a bundle consisting of three components, with one component being sold separately as on-demand content. Firstly, the presenter creates the on-demand component, setting a price and adding placeholder content. Next, they set up the first component, which is a multi-part course where the user can choose from two options. They create two child courses within the parent course and set enrollment settings accordingly. Instructions are added to guide users in selecting a course. The same process is then repeated for the second component. Finally, the presenter creates the bundle, adding the two components and setting a price. The bundle is published and made publicly available. The presenter mentions that in a subsequent video, they will demonstrate how to modify the messaging throughout the enrollment process.
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product bundle
website setup
step-by-step guide
on-demand content
multi-part course
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