Use Case - Delivering Annual Meetings
Step 2. Setting up (Nested) Child Courses
Step 2. Setting up (Nested) Child Courses
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Video Transcription
to go through step-by-step how to set up a course that can be used as a delivering mechanism for your annual meeting recording. So log in as administrator and go to course and then click on add course. So we're gonna add a multi-part course because that is how we're going to create a container of all the tracks and each track will also be a multi-part so that this whole spreadsheet you can imagine is a multi-part course and then each track is also a multi-part even though it's a children of the bigger multi-part course and each session becomes a third level children. This might sound a little bit confusing but as we go through the steps hopefully it will become clear. So let's give it a name. Let's call it sample annual meeting 2019 and let's just go AM 2019 as a product code. I'm now going to click on track topic which will allow us to write questions that match the taxonomy. We're just going to move forward and because tracking topics and tracking questions within those topics are not the focus of this use case. Keep in mind that each credit in this scenario that we're describing, each credit is provided at the children level and not at the multi-part level. So we're just gonna skip this screen because we're setting up the parent course and let's say that it's $100 to buy this course and because we're using it as purely as a container, I'm actually going to uncheck the box and have nothing checked. Later on we can go into more details of how we can check additional boxes to make things behave slightly different. Now that I have set up the top level, I can then create children. So I'm just going to add a children and the first level children is also a multi-part and then I'm going to open up my spreadsheet and I'm just going to copy the name of the track over here. So keep in mind that once again, the course are all provided, the credit is provided at the leaf level of the hierarchy. So this level does not provide credit. Once again, I'm going to uncheck introduction and I'm going to click on next. So now what we have is we have a March of Dime, which is one children of this sample annual meeting. So what we're going to do now is I'm going to go in here and I'm going to add all the tracks that's on this column, all the unique value as a multi-part. So I'm going to pause the video, do that and resume the video. So now I have created six child within a multi-part course called Annual Meeting 2019. I have not uploaded any content, any questions, any assessment, any evaluations, any instructions whatsoever. I have only set up the structure. And at this level, if I click on course detail, I will be able to see that this is the course. And then I have one, two, three, four, five, six, six children that is all multi-part. So this matches the tracks that we have created. And then I'm just going to put sessions inside of it. So for demonstration purpose, what I'm going to do is I'm just going to do scientific plenary sessions as an example. So in here, there is three sessions. So I'm going to find scientific plenary session and I'm going to add children in here. Keep in mind now I'm actually adding the unit that actually provides credit and actually have content. So I'm going to do is I'm going to click on add children. Instead of collecting multi-part, I'm going to click on demand. And let's just set this up. So first one is hot topic. Notice at this level, I will put in a credit because at this level is where the credit is given. So I'm just going to come over here. That is one credit. So I'm going to say one credit. And for this illustration purpose, let's just say it only has learning content, a post-test, some evaluation, and a certificate that they're supposed to receive at the end. So that's it. So we're not going to do a pre-test. We're not going to do any disclosure. The reason is hopefully you have watched the tutorial on how an on-demand course works so you understand what are all the ingredients that you can turn on for on-demand course. So we're not going to try to stress how to set up an on-demand course. We're just going to set up a few as example. So now I have set up the hot topic. I can go to the content and I will be able to add these two talks. So this one I'm going to do is I'm going to add a couple videos. So I'm just going to add one at a time. So here is, let me try to, so you make sure you select video and let's give it a name and let's upload from our directory. So I'm actually not, the actual correct video to use in this particular case is actually not important. So I'm just going to randomly select a video even though when you are actually setting this up, you definitely want to make sure that the folder structure is matching your structure for tracks and sessions so that you can easily find which one is the one that you want. And actually ends up picking one that's fairly large. So I'm just going to pause the video until you finish loading. So I added one and while it is transcoding, I'm just going to add another one. So the second one is welcome and introduction. And I'm guessing from the name, this is probably should be the first one instead of the second one. So I'm just going to upload another video. So now I have created the content for this particular session. I'm just going to set up the exam. So I'm going to click a little bit faster now just because this section of how to set up an on-demand course, you should be familiar with from earlier tutorials. So I'm just going to say two questions. 100%. As I mentioned, this part is actually not important to our video tutorial. So I'm just going to create some silly questions. One plus one equals to what? And, oh, sorry. And this one, two, three, four, five, make this two, okay. So I'm going to create one more question just so that one plus two equal to what? Okay, so once again, one, two, three is correct answer, four and five. Okay, your particular question setup may not have the exact same fields as this sample configuration, but that's okay. And then we're going to do the evaluation and I'm just going to set up one evaluation just for illustration purpose. Okay, so let's just say, how do you like this course? And I am going to just use some predefined so that we can quickly get it done. Okay, so now I have created, let's go to the very top. Actually, let's go to courses, go to the annual meeting and click on course outline. So now you can see, let me go to level two. So you can see that I have populated one on demand that is inside of this. And this is kind of interesting is you can use this planning tool to visually see how you set everything up. So I'm not going to finish the entire setup because that would take quite some time, but I will set up one more and then show you how to publish everything. So let's go back to the, let's go back to this one, let's go to child. We're working on scientific planetary sessions and let's just add one more children. So we're going to do on demand. And the second children is this one right here. I'm going to say that, copy and paste is your friend. This one, let's say how many credit? It's 1.25, let's do 1.25, okay. Next. And once again, I want to have a post-test. I want to have course evaluation and I want to have a certificate. And I click on next. So here I'm going to upload some more content. So this time I'm supposed to upload one, two, three, four. There's quite a few videos I'm supposed to upload and to make things fast, I'm just going to upload, use a batch upload tool. So here we go. So hopefully things are already on your computer. You can just easily grab them. I'm just going to upload some sample ones, even though they're not exactly the same as the one that is expecting, but I'm just going to upload these. And then let's just pretend the name matches. So I'm just going to copy this one, put it here, copy this one, put it here, copy this one, put it here. As you can see here, I'm doing this strictly as a way of demonstrating the system's capability. Whereas when you upload, you probably want to be a lot more careful while you're uploading. So here, let's just set up another one question post-test, 100%, unlimited reset. And let's read the questions. This time I'm going to put even less effort into setting this up. Okay. And then for evaluation, I'm just going to cheat and borrow from existing one. There we go. So now, if I go back, I will see that I have two courses on demand. And imagine when you finally set it up, everything is going to be at this third level. And as you can see here, you don't have to stop at two-level nesting. This is what we refer to as two-level nesting, is the course has one-level nesting of tracks, and each track nested all the courses. You could have one-level nesting where everything is on the first level, or you can have three-levels of nesting. It always does not care how many times you nest things. Do whatever makes sense for you. Now, it is important that the more courses you have, the more steps you're going to end up having to publish them. So let's just go to one of these to show you. This, all the siblings, you can see it's in edit status. And when I go to this particular course that has actual content, it's also in edit status. So in order to get this whole annual meeting published, you have to go through each one and go through the publication flow. So this is kind of important, because if you end up with 100 units, you will have to go through this process 100 times. Now, you could fast-track the publication process if you know for sure that you have set everything up correctly. Then you can actually go to the top level and publish at the top level, and it will recursively publish everything. It will take a while to publish, but it will publish everything. There it goes. It's not going to let me publish, because I did not really finish fully set up a course. I will pause the video and go to an example where everything has been set up.
Video Summary
The video transcript is a step-by-step guide on how to set up a course for delivering an annual meeting recording. The process involves creating a multi-part course as a container for different tracks, with each track also being a multi-part course, and each session being a third-level child. The video demonstrates how to name and set up the parent course, create children courses, and add content such as videos and assessments to the sessions. It also highlights that credits are provided at the children level and explains the publishing process. No credits or specific authorship are mentioned in the video.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
course setup
annual meeting recording
multi-part course
session setup
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